Saturday, April 30, 2022

30 april, 2022 Wandering

    A much better day.  Never hurt myself, no high winds, no tornadoes, & I slept well.  Almost an A plus day.  We have been in a high wind warning today but compared to the last couple of days, it seemed like a light breeze.

    While I was hoping to not blow away last night there was a tornado that hit Andover KS near Wichita KS.  The rain had stopped before the tornado so there are spectacular videos of it. It was rated an EF3 with winds of 165mph. On the ground for 40 minutes. I have a friend who lives but is ok. They had many injuries but no deaths. It hit the YMCA. Everyone inside ran to their safe place inside with no one hurt. All the cars in the parking lot were thrown into the front of the Y in a huge pile. Front of the building in bad shape. It was 30 years since Andover  was hit by an earlier one.

    Around midnight there were 3 meteorology students from Oklahoma who were chasing the tornado.  On their way home they hit some deep water that threw them into a semi.  All 3 died.  Sad.

    Actually nice weather today & again tomorrow.  Rain tomorrow night.  Hopefully.

    I wish people would not make negative comments about things to others, like me, when they have no idea what my politics or whatever are.  Someone made comments that are the opposite of my beliefs.  I was already in a sad mood and that did not help.  I said nothing.  But I now have changed my opinion of them.  My feelings are not good about them now.  I try to not speak to others about things I am clueless about how they believe.  Especially controversial things.  I hate confrontations.  And an argument would just make my feelings of them worse.

    Nico was just weird while I ate supper.  He laid on the floor where my feet usually rest.  He never lays there.  Odd!     

    After my accident at home yesterday, I am still sore, but no more tears.  So far.  If anyone asks, I am fine & all is great.

    Photos are a mix of flowers and stuff.  The rocky photo is from Bryce Canyon.  The cup is one our historical group had made and sold.  I took all the photos except the sunflower one.  The food was my supper.  Swedish meatballs over noodles with lingonberries added.  Not bad for a tv dinner.



Friday, April 29, 2022

29 april, 2022 Wandering

    What a truly awful day.  I am trying to be positive & not whine but today is special.  And not in a good way.

    Started when me & an immovable thing met.  Won't say more but it was an awful moment added to my pains.  No bothering anyone.  Only my problem.

    Tried to nap but could not sleep.  Too sad.

    Had strong storms forecast.  The radar was so hopeful looking.  As usual it all went north then east.  As usual.  We missed any rain.

    But now there are several tornadoes south of here around Wichita KS.  Plus one was seen east of us here in Dickenson Co.  There was a photo of that one.  TV is nothing but storms.

    Met JR & PM for supper.  It was a wild house!!  Many people in to eat and the phone never stopped ringing.  I felt sorry for JS and our new guy E.  Do not know his last name.  They were running.  JS apologised.  No need.  I expect nothing special.  It was only the 2 of them working out front.

    On the way home I stopped for photos of clouds.  They were awesome but then the further north I went I saw lots of dust blowing everywhere.  And it got hard to see to drive.  Scary.  And my mood was really bad & cried the entire way home.

    After I got in the house we got a Dust Storm Warning.  That is a first.  Never seen that before.  My iWatch had a huge yellow warning sign.  That is another first.  The wind was at least 60-70 mph.  My house jiggles with winds over 50-70 mph.  Tonite it moved more than usual.  I am terrified.  I heard something hit my house but have not looked to see what it was.  Don't care now.

    I have never liked being alone during storms but now there is no option.  I always felt better when Willie (husband) got home.  No one to be with me here.  I am sooo scared.  The winds seems less which is helping.  Warning goes until 9pm.  That is in 15 minutes.  I am still crying.  And extra pain from earlier today.  What a damn day.  Should have stayed home tonight.  I do not belong anywhere & do not fit in anywhere.

    Photos are just clouds.


Thursday, April 28, 2022

28 Aibreán, 2022 Wandering (Ag fánaíocht)

    Considering today was a home alone day, it was ok.  Fur kids were pretty good.  The weather was fairly nice.  No gale force winds but maybe tomorrow.  Always a joy..  Our highs were in the 70s.  My house was comfy with AC.  I am so thankful for it being fixed.

    I woke up at 7am to call my friend to get up for his trip to another town for his outpatient surgery.  He beat me up!  He had been up for 40 minutes when I called him.  His procedure went well.  He called me right after.  His incision was glued together.  Something new to me.  Did not do that when I was a nurse.  He can shower all he wants.  Water won't hurt his incision.  He stopped at work but they let him go home for the day.  I am glad.  He planned to sleep.  Good for him. 

    I am sad today.  Where I used to work they have an art auction twice a year.  I always "worked" at it.  Granted, I did next to nothing but I loved being there & part of it.  But this year I was not asked to be there.  I am sure they do not need me & it is hard to be "not needed".  Oh well.  Life moves on.  I could go to the auction, but it will save me money to stay away.  No one will miss me.  As I said, I am sad today. 

    Not many cattle in my pasture.  I miss the little ones.  But when sitting out there seems to be a bird highway through my front yard.  Peaceful to sit and watch.

    I got ambitious & washed my hair.  Hope it looks ok tomorrow.  If not my curling iron will fix it.  Or I will find a hat or scarf to wear!! (-:

    This morning Nico must have barked for 30 minutes.  I could hear an engine outside.  I assumed it my nephew but he was innocent.  I had a load of propane delivered.  I almost passed out when I read the bill.  Dang.  I am not using my heater unless truly cold.  My room heater is good enough & add another blanket to the bed.

    Photos are summery flowers.  The Bachelor button is bitter sweet.  It was from my cousin's yard.  I always stopped there every summer to take photos.  But she has died and the new owners with have no idea or do not like them.  The yard is mowed and no flowers grow.  How I miss her and her flowers.



Wednesday, April 27, 2022

27 Aibreán, 2022 Wandering (Ag fánaíocht)

    I had a nice day.  But I did not sleep well again.  I gave up & moved to the sofa.  Then all was good.  And with the low fronts coming again I can feel them.  I am wondering if I should just start on the sofa!

    Nice weather today except for the strong winds again.  Sigh........  High was around 70F & the low was 40F.  There is rain in Kansas.  The worst drought in my state is the south west corner.  And I am thankful that is where the rain is tonight.  I am excited for them.  Hope they got a lot of rain.

    Today was a work day at the Old Mill today.  I am working on a large school with many photos of kids.  Little.  Tiny.  Photos.  No bueno.  They are hard to remove from the page where they are stored and harder to put them back.  Many more to go!!

    Met JR & PM for supper at Jalisco's.  Good conversation.  It was very cloudy when I left work but going home the sun was partly out.  I hate it.  I am too short & no way to get the sun out of my eyes.

    A good friend is having outpatient surgery out of town tomorrow.  I offered to go with him but he said I do not have to go with him.  His doctor said he can drive after his procedure.  I have call him early tomorrow morning to make sure is up & ready to go.

    Got my AC fixed this morning!!  Just in time for some hot weather!  I am so excited!!  I did not come home to a hot home today.

    While eating tonight I saw that there was a huge piece of equipment in my drive way by my house & my nephew's 4 wheeler.  Where I park my car there is a hole in the ground when I drive up on the concrete.  He put some gravel to level it out!  What a good day!!

    Photos are a mix.


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

26 Aibreán, 2022 Wandering (Ag fánaíocht)

    An ok day with little sleep.  Not sure why.  I finally used my peppermint ointment on my legs.  Then I moved to the sofa.  I was too cold in bed and my blankets were just irritating me.  Why?  Then I slept good.  So did the fur kids  Will be warmer tonight.  And borderline miserable.  Still no AC.  Sigh....  And high winds again.

    Nico had an appointment to get his nails clipped.  He was actually quite good in the car.  And I am always surprised how well he minds me at the vet's.  Not at home or outside!  And he and Cinder are still friendly.  That amazes me.

    Great weather today.  In the 70s & the low at almost freezing.  No strong winds.  Just pleasant.

    I saw a heron flying around our pond.  Wish one would nest here.  Would be cool.

    I am doing good in my Spanish.  I passed the group I was in & now I am a new grouping, Emotions.  Not too difficult.

    Photos are just a mix from the past.  First photo is of Nico awaiting his treatment.  The 3 large buildings are in Concordia.  The first & third ones are the Mother House there.  It is no longer used as a Mother House or school.  It was once a girls school.  Now there are nuns who live there in retirement.  You can take tours of the entire building.  But photos are forbidden.  The middle photo is the Brown Theatre in Concordia.  I have toured it but never attended a performance there yet.  The bird atop a pole is one of my turkey vultures.


Monday, April 25, 2022

25 Aibreán, 2022 Wandering (Ag fánaíocht)

    I forgot to mention last night I have added some Irish to my blog name.  In honour of my Irish roots.  Just for fun. 

    I am watching a TV show, Expedition Unknown.  Tonite the star is in Sweden & Danmark & Norway.  He was in Sweden eating with some Swedes.  He had herring salad which is just raw herring and different flavors of sauce.  Then they fed him Surströmming (say "soor-stroh-ming") that is fish that has been fermented (put in a salty brine for two months).  It smells terrible.  He did not like it.  I laughed!! The season for surstrsömming is in August.  My two trips to Sweden I left just before its season.  I am not as stupid as one would think.  Show is interesting.  About King Olaf who used a sun stone to steer his ships.  It was used at night and it showed where the sun was.  He went to a group that live as the real Vikings did.  A sun stone is clear and you look through it.  I love anything about Vikings.  I have some in my family tree.  (And am looking forward to seeing The North Man.)  And he spoke very highly of the Vikings as not just marauders.

    Since the weather has calmed down and not one front after another I feel much better.  But more fronts coming soon.  And rain.  Will we be left out again?  We are in the middle of 2 areas on different days but that means nothing.

    I was home all day.  Little chance to upset anyone.  The one I did upset is friendly again.  I am relieved.

    Nico and Cinder actually were a bit friendly this afternoon.  I am hopeful.

    It got quite cold last night.  My house was at 63F.  A bit chilly.  My room heater warmed us up to 74F by supper.  Cold again tonight.

    Photos are just of mix of things from my past life.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...