Friday, April 15, 2022

15 april, 2022 Wandering

    Another nice day.  Slept good last night & had a nice nap.  But my left knee & my right hip/leg are bad.  Sort of normal.  I had a week or so of no pain.  What causes no pain & what causes my pain.  No fun.  I am sort of used to it.  A cold front gets my pains going.  Stress too.

    Another nice calm day.  And not too hot.  Nice.

Many cows & their little ones have been near.  So fun to see.  I like them.  While outside for a while I counted 4 turkey vultures soaring in a huge circle over part of the pasture.  They are so graceful.

    My eczema is starting again.  Both my hands itch & it drives me crazy.  I have a spot on my left arm in the crook of my elbow that has been itching a lot.  Now it is getting that eczema look.  I am blessed.  Not.  It has also spread to my scalp.  That is NOT good.  I bought shampoo/rinse for just that.  It does not work.

    I had supper with JR & PM.  Good meal.  And good conversation.  Not so much about sports.  But when they talk about sports, I just read on my iPhone.  And ignore them.

    Easter is rather hard for me.  Mom sang in our Oratorio Society for 62 years.  I sang for over 20 years.  But it is too hard for me to stand and the rehearsals & the performing is difficult.  Sing on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  Just makes me sad to think of the performance going on now.  If I had gone to see it I just would have cried the entire time ---- thinking of Mom and when I could sing.

    There was a major miracle here at my farm.  Twice today Nico and Cinder rubbed noses.  No one barked or lunged.  Maybe there is hope.

    Photos today are from today or this area.  The white flowers are from my pear tree.  I was scared it would have no blooms.  Need to walk out for some close ups.  Maybe tomorrow.  The first photo is of a plant called henbit.  Lavender is the normal color.  I have had white henbit for 2 years now.  Not a large area but it is cool & rare.


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003/2025 Måndag the 10th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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