Tuesday, May 24, 2022

24 may, 2022 Wandering

    Great day!!  Temps last night & today stayed in the 50s.  Nice.  House got cold & I was gone too long for it to warm up until late afternoon.

    Rain started in the early morning hours.  And it rained all day.  Wichita had around 5 inches!!  Wow!!  I think my rain gauge has around 2-3 inches in it.  I did not empty it yet.  Rained nice & slow.  Perfecta!!!  No thunder or lightning, just rain.  Sort of stopped for now but more is to be here tomorrow & maybe on thursday early.  Far too late for our wheat but will help the fall crops, etc.  The wheat has a slight golden hue to it.  But it is so short & stubby looking.

    I had trouble sleeping last night.  Maybe stress about today.  But I felt ok.  Had a V8 Energy drink for lunch.  Kept me awake today.

    Up early for lab work.  Lab lady did a good job.  Barely felt it.  Then I picked up groceries.  We have eaten good today.

    Came home for lunch & to rest a bit.  Back to town for my doctor's appointment.  He had every right to yell at me for something but he did not.  I think he did not want to see me cry.  But he made his point.  My A1C was great!  Not sure how but it stays good.  It is 6.2.  Most things were great but one.  Plus I told him I cannot take my cholesterol pill.  It is like a horse pill.  It always makes me gag.  He changed it for me to a smaller pill.  Hope that helps.  None of my other pills bother.

    I tried to nap but my energy drink was still working, but rest is good.

    Then before supper the horrible news out of Texas came online.  One adult & 14 little kids.  Just awful.  And the killer's grandmother was shot also.  Will there be any changes anywhere?  Only change will be more killings of innocents people & kids.  And today in Texas the law that allows anyone owning a gun today can carry it in plain view or hidden & they need no training what so ever went into effect.  We all can see how that is working.  There need to be changes made & it does not matter who it offends or upsets.  Criminal.  Or they are all criminals.

    My photos are some that showed up in my FB memories today.  I like them so sharing them today instead of more flowers.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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