Wednesday, May 25, 2022

25 may, 2022 Wandering

    Believe it or not, it is still raining!!  Quit raining during the night but started again this morning.  And has not quit yet.  Earlier today my rain gauge was half full.  Too dark to see now.  Not a light rain.  Needed my wipers going pretty fast!!!  This is wonderful.  Except for the weather girl from California who wants the 98F day to hurry & get here.

    Today I worked at the Old Mill.  I was supposed to run the upstairs office as my boss expected to be busy.  But the rain put a damper on that.  So I went back to the basement & did about 4 school districts before I was done.  Small districts.  Love the old photos.  One had a horse & buggy in it.  Had a good day.

    Then home to get Nico outside.  Cinder was close.  I gave her a treat before going back for supper.  The rain was a bit lighter while home.

    Picked up JR to eat at Jalisco's.  PM joined us.  And they got extremely busy.  When we walked in there was a long table filled with food & booth table filled with food.  The college softball coach came in & all the food disappeared.  The team had food.  Nice for them.

    Even busy JS had time to tease me.  But CT & MS had no time.  I should have poked my head in the kitchen to say hello!

    I took JR to the grocery store after we ate.  It was pouring down then.  Got home & Cinder was waiting & so was my black cat was there also.  Now everyone is fed.  And happy.

    Strong winds out & I am debating whether to sleep on the sofa to keep warm or go to bed.  Time to decide later.

    The fur kids must be happy I am home.  Nico & Kisse were bonding on the floor.  She was licking his face & he did not bite her.  A rare moment of caring.

    Photos are a mix..


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...