Thursday, May 26, 2022

26 may, 2022 Wandering

    The rain continued most of the night & had stopped by this morning.  I just emptied my rain gauge & I had almost 5" of rain.  Unbelievable!!  And the pond near my driveway is completely filled up to the top.  Looks awesome!  This rain will help the fall crops but too late for our wheat.  Might just make harvest a bit more difficult.

    My house just could not warm up last night.  I think the strong wind we had was the cause.  Finally this morning the house got warm & I turned the heater off.  The fur kids & I slept in the living room.  My back is a bit sore but at least we were warm.  Back to bed tonight. Saturday is supposed to be 85F here.  Too hot.  I will stay inside.

    Last night I had an awful experience.  Nico somehow got his leash caught in my porch railing.  Not sure how that happened.  But I had to go down and no way to untangle him without unhooking his leash.  Sooooo, I unhooked it & held on to his collar with one hand.  The tone of my voice must have relayed that if he moved he was in deep doo doo.  With my other hand I got the leash unstuck.  Then I rehooked it back to his collar.  Whew!

    Sat outside for a while.  Nice light breeze.  No bugs --- that is a surprise here.  I hate all the bugs we have here.  I keep bug repellant by my front door.  Hate the smell but no choice.

    My grandson works in a local retirement home.  Yesterday he sent me a photo of himself with gloves and mask on.  I had horrible thoughts!!  But the inspectors were coming for an inspection.  Whew.  I thought someone was maybe ill with Covid.  I always have a mask or two near in my car.  I read where it will be back this autumn or winter.

    My other grandson has plans to move back here I think.  Would be nice to have him close & see him often.

    Had a quiet day & felt lazy.  Tomorrow will be different.

    Photos are ones I took & edited.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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