Friday, July 29, 2022

29 july, 2022 Wandering

    I had a quiet day.  Nothing special here at home.  Slept well until early morning when I developed severe right hip pain.  Why??  It got better but when I got to Jalisco's it hurt again.  Then went away.  😲

    Nico was actually good today.  I am grateful after yesterday.  Grrrr.

    I watched a huge area of thunderstorms headed our way all night.  What a fool I am!  Never got close & nary a drop of rain.  It did rain where it was desperately needed though.  When they said this rainy period was coming they had us in the 3-5" area of rain by the weekend's end.  Now we are in the half inch area, if we are lucky.  I knew it was too good to be true.  I would be happy if it stayed cool with a nice breeze to blow all the bugs away.  Far away.

    JR, PM, & I met for supper at Jalisco's.  They were busy early.  Probably because there is a play in the park & people were eating before going to find a seat.

    In the middle of our time in there I saw MA & JS gather to talk.  And exchange orders.  A gentleman came in for a takeout order & paid for several tables of people eating.  What a wonderful thing to do!  Very cool!!  Made my day!!!  I would love to do that.  What a great feeling it would be.

    Before leaving I saw 3 ladies eating together.  One I see on FB daily but rarely in person.  The second one I know.  The third one I took spanish from.  All nice.  What lucky ladies.  They were talking & laughing enjoying each other.  Be so great to have some lady friends to see weekly doing things.  There are many little groups of ladies in town but I am not nor have I ever been part of any of them.  But not my place in life.  I am turning more & more into a hermit as time goes on.

    It is interesting to see who actually reads my blog.  There are a couple of people who always like my photos.  But if I had written I had my leg cut off (joke) they would not know to make a comment.  Interesting.  But people who do not live here maybe only look at my photos too.  And I write my blog for me.  It does me good.  And helps me to think only in the positive --- most of the time.

    Nico thinks it is cookie time.  Ha.  Not until my blog is written.  And maybe my spanish lesson done.

    Photos are of the prairie & the Smoky Hill Cemetery.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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