Thursday, July 28, 2022

28 july, 2022 Wandering

    A fairly good day.  Sleeping was a bit of a challenge, as usual.  But I did sleep some.  And a short nap.

    Nico is ok today.  Just a brat.  I think the older he gets his temper gets worse.  And his getting into things also.  Plus he stole a cinnamon roll & ate it all!!  There is one left that he will not get a bite from!

    We have rain forecast & even flooding.  Nothing here yet.  All sorts of stuff west & south of us.  Had a light shower over night.

    JR & I got worried about the flooding in Kentucky..  We have cousins there but luckily they are far to the west of the flooding.  The videos are so sad & scary.

    Since we stayed home last night with Nico a bit sick, tonight we ate at Jalisco's.  They were fairly busy.  Always good to see.  Not crowded enough to to put my mask on.

    On the way to town I saw  2 little deer in the pasture.  So sweet.  Early this morning I saw a large dark bird on top of a pole.  Not sure if it was a turkey vulture.  Not a crow.  Owl?  Not sure.

    Photos today are a mix.  The first ones are not mine.  The painting is of Ling Auditorium that was on our college campus until a fire destroyed it.  Painting is mine.  Painted by a good friend.  The photos after the painting are from Fairbury Nebraska.  I spent a weekend there.  Nice town.  In one photo you will notice there is another Jalisco Restaurant.  Owned by the same family as mine here.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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