Saturday, September 3, 2022

03 september, 2022 Wandering

    Today is my brother, JR, birthday.  I let him decided how to celebrate.  And we had a fun day! 

    We started out headed west out of town to an old abandoned house.  Everyone & their dog has taken photos of it!  Me included.  He brought is super zoom in lens & took many photos.  I cannot wait to see them.  I took photos from my car.  I played with my different photo apps.  I have 2 that no matter how much you zoom in it is sharp.  No blurring.  JR is hoping to splice some of his together for a cool photo

    Then we drove to the north.  Drove by a field we used to plant wheat in.  Owned by a doctor & family.  And across the road was a pasture we once had cattle in.  The fence is one that Willie built.  I remember he had it done for a couple of days when the county road crew knocked part of it down.  He was livid.  And they tried to lie but eventually they fixed it all.  So many memories.  

    Then we turned to the west & came upon an abandoned business call Buildex.  They made gravel.  I remember when it closed.  You cannot drive into it.  They have placed huge squares of concrete in the drive.  JR was so excited.  He had no idea it was here.  Lots more photos.  And from me too.  There is a large sign on the outside of one building saying they have had 900 days without an accident & lets all keep up the good work.  Been many hundreds of days now.  😁  It is fascinating to see.

    We left there & headed to Falun which is on its way to a ghost town.  Used to be some nice homes there but most are in bad shape now.  I took a lot of photos & told JR who lived where, about the 2 hotels where on had a ballroom, an old grocery store then restaurant.  More memories.

    After Falun we were off to Pizza Hut for a large beef & bacon with extra cheese pizza.  To die for!!!  Perfect ending to a perfect day!!

    Yesterday was hard for me.  My grandson went to the doctor for one thing & was discovered he now has a chronic disease.  Not fatal but truly life changing.  He called me on the way to a specialist & told me his lab results.  Said he would call after the doctor.  But he never did.  Probably had others to call & just trying to adjust.  Not important if I know or not.  I am usually last to know most things.  Just part of life.  He will call when he has time.

    I could not sleep last night.  Very restless & I kept crying.  With all the memories tonight might be the same.  Dang it all.

    Last night a friend from Wichita made a comment on something I posted.  We ended texting for a long time about Swedish food, his hometown, a mutual friend.  Nice.

    Photos are from today.

                     Old house



    The yellow part says a hard hat is required in this area at all times.


My neighbour's barn.  My fave.  I have taken photos of it often & in all seasons.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...