Sunday, September 4, 2022

04 september, 2022 Wandering

    Had a good day even though I am feeling sort of blah or down.  Yesterday was such a great day but driving past our old wheat field & pasture brought back so many memories.  I cannot quit thinking of those times.  And how I miss Willie & farming.  

    I no longer farm.  I own a small bit of pasture in a huge pasture but who knows for how long.  Part of that pasture was sold by my son without telling any of the family & just left it up to us to fence it off so our cattle do not mix with the new owner's cattle.  God forbid he could give us a clue.  What a disrespectful way to do business & treat family.  But the new owner is a nice guy & they all worked together to get things right.  Sure made my son look bad, as it should.  He is.

    Even seeing the remains of Buildex yesterday is sort of upsetting.  I remember when it was going strong.  And now it just sits.  I want to go back for more photos.  When it snows.  Could be good photos.

    What great weather.  Our temps were 52F & 85F.  Awesome!!!  It was great to take Nico out when it was 52F.  Gives me hope!!!  What I would not give for a screened in porch!!  There are still bugs.  I was just out & these little bugs dive bomb at my head.  Not sure if mosquitos or what.

    Yesterday while taking photos a huge bug flew in a window.  I never saw it again until today while driving to town.  Looked like a huge huge fly.  He made it to the dash so I opened all the windows.  And luckily he got sucked out the window.  Great!!

    JR & I ate lunch at Jalisco's.  They got very busy.  Love it there.  And to see my friends.  I managed to see all the kitchen help.  Always good.

    My grandson called this afternoon & gave me an update on his health.  His life is going to change & be totally different.  He is still is trying to adjust.  It is overwhelming & will take a while.  I have the same chronic illness so I can answer some questions.  I hope he follows the doctor's orders for the best results.  Will hear again after the next appointment.

    Holiday tomorrow here.  No plans.  If Mom & Dad were still here we would go into their house for sloppy joes or bbq burgers.  But I am just home like normal.

    Photos are some that I have edited.  I did not take them all.


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