Monday, October 3, 2022

03 october, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Today was both my worst day & my best day.  I am one hot mess!!  

    I slept good last night with little pain.  But got up to high blood sugar.  Why???  I decided to up my insulin by 2 more units.  Did not help.  I had plans for tonight but cancelled.  Life has ceased to be fun.

    I took a nap & was OK for a long time but I changed positions & that was a big mistake.  My hip started hurting & no position helped.  The pain got worse & worse.  Walking was a joke.  Dang this is just miserable.  Nico was pretty good when I told him to lay down as I was too sore to go out.  No idea what he thought I said but he did not bother me.  Maybe the angels guided him.

    I called my grandson MK to see how his doctor appointment went.  We had a long talk.  He is a newly diagnosed diabetic & I was diagnosed 25 years ago.  I can answer some questions for him.  Wish he could answer mine.

    He is so good.  He offered to drive out to carry my trash out.  I got a lot of it out & the rest can just wait.  And he is not happy that I do not have hot water yet.  Well, I owe my guy money so no biggie.  He is getting me one in two weeks.  End of subject.  I told him how bad my house is & he said nothing matters except he loves me & will help me all he can.  Wow.  I am not used to that.  I almost cried & may soon.  I will let him put a heater in.  And help with trash anytime he wants.

    Then he hung the phone up & did a video call so the great grandkids could see me.  Never been told "I love you" so many times!  And kisses blown at me.  Just what I needed.  Lunching tomorrow.  Those little sweeties can say Jalisco!!  Nice to feel loved & hopeful.

    I fed Cinder after supper then looked out my living room window & she is sitting on my car hood.  Love cat foot prints!!

    No back door yet & KN is sowing wheat.  No time.  I have to have my propane connected before it gets cold but I guess they will have to walk through the house.  Great.  

    We have one very cold day this week.  High of 59 with rain.  Temps last night were 49 & 87.  Great sleeping weather.  Nico goes under the covers often.  May not stay long but he is getting in the routine.

    Good tv night.  Expedition Unknown is on all evening.  I am addicted to it.  Interesting & always learn something.  He just showed the Bullet Train in Japan.  Why can we not have that here?  Be great to go to Denver that way.  There is NO train from Kansas that goes to Denver.  Why??  To get there you have to drive to Omaha NE & go to Colorado Springs on a train.  If I have to drive to Omaha I might as well drive to Denver.  We are such a mess here.

  Photos today are collages with no special theme.            

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...