Tuesday, October 4, 2022

04 october, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Another day of the best & the worst.  Not as bad as it was yesterday.  Got up & checked my blood sugar.  What a total shock.  It was 138 & after lunch it was 90.  Great!!!  Finally I am not so stressed getting back to normal.

    I had a lunch date I really looked forward to today but I got stood up.  I almost cried.  I waited a while & made a phone call.  No answer & nothing the rest of the day.  I ate alone & went home.  My amigos mexicanos were nice & supportive.

    Why am I always the one left out, ignored, or not included?  I am at the point where I just do not care.  I want to care but if it is a one way street, I am done.  It just cannot be asking too much to have a friend or two I can depend on & trust.  And when someone promises me something they follow through.  I try to.  Maybe I do not deserve anything.  I swear my entire life has been living in karma but I do not know for what.

    Weather is nice again.  Temps were 52 & 86.  Pleasant.  The weather even mentioned frost in the forecast tonight.  Colder weather is coming.  There is rain west of me but it is not amounting to much.  I would have liked to sit outside for a while but I saw a mosquito or two.  Hate those.  I think hot weather is even better than them.

    I got asked to work this month at the SVAFC.  I thought maybe they forgot about me!!  New show to see too.  I hear it is great!  

    Photos today are all black & white.  I think most are taken by me.




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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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