Wednesday, October 5, 2022

05 october, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Slept good with no pain.  A major miracle.  Cool sleeping weather.  Our temps were 53 & 79.  Near perfect.

    Not a word about being stood up for lunch yesterday.  Nada.  I am just at the end of my rope.  I am tired of people asking me to do something or meet them & then it never happens.  I almost to the point of not caring at all.  Does not seem fair to me in any way.

    My blood sugars are normal.  It is so exciting!  And scary.  Never taken so much insulin in my life!!  I usually share with my grandson but have not today.  Wish he would contact me with just a photo.  Or his sugars.

    Supper was good.  Our friend PM is around my age.  He said that he enjoys talking about "old times & people" from our youth.  I enjoy those talks too.  Not all who we remember are still here.  Good to have someone to remember with.

    A good friend who recently moved very far away is back here for her class reunion.  Saw her tonight.  And got to meet her sister.  She is a couple years older than Willie so we were not in school together.

    Last time at Jalisco's I learned a new sentence in spanish.  And I remembered it tonight!!  I am proud of me!!  There is a tiny bit of hope.

    My brother shared some things I did as a child.  Whether I did them all or not, I always got blamed & punished all the time.  Probably where my karma comes from.  I remember very little of my childhood.  What I remember most are things where I was alone or with neighbour kids.  Family memories are very rare.  Even the large family gatherings.  I never fit in.  All my cousins were too young for me.  And I was too young for the adults.  I sat alone.  If I tried to play as the other kids I got yelled at.  Wrong again.  And generally not pleasant for me.  No wonder my life is as it is.  Karma is no fun.  I used to pray for forgiveness for all I had done but nothing ever changed.  I gave it up.

    Nico is too busy tonight.  When I am gone he sleeps.  But he is being good.  For a change!!  

    Photos today are from the front porch of the Old Mill.  Very autumn looking.  The first two photos are just two I like from a while ago.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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