Tuesday, October 18, 2022

18 october, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Well today was not as I planned.  Around 5am I awoke with a bad cough & an unpleasant feeling in my lungs.  I have had pneumonia several times in the past.  When I get a cold, it settles in my lungs.  It feels like pneumonia but it is not.  Goes away when the cold does.  I have no fever.  Maybe caused by my flu shot.  I hope.  Coughed all day.  With a bad headache.

    Had a doctor's app't in Hutchinson today that I canceled.  Could not have driven that far.  The sofa was as far as I made it.  And the porch.

    Tomorrow is questionable.  Do not want to be around anyone coughing my head off.  And one would want me around.

    We got down to 24F last night.  High today was 50F.  Felt so-so outside but I got chilled fast.  Probably because I was sick.

    Cinder hid in the afternoon.  Probably had a quiet, sunny place she lays in.  Usually comes from the shed to the west.

    Warmer weather coming this weekend.  Next week small chances of rain.  Love how Kansas is just forgotten & never important.  The national news had a report on the states with temps in the 20s tonite.  Kansas was not included.  Sad.  We are in a warning for freezing.

    Photos today are of an early snow on the day of an art auction.  The flowers were covered in snow or ice.  A some photos from my farm.



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