Saturday, October 22, 2022

22 october, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Still sick.  The truth is I tested positive for Covid last wednesday night.   I did not want to make a big deal out of it.  Not posted it on FB.  Probably won't.  People are busy with their own lives so no need to bother anyone.  I am rather scared.  Still no fever.  Very rare cough.  Even my allergies have calmed down.  But the fatigue from my RA & from Covid too is driving me nuts.  I test again on tuesday but I think next week is cancelled.  Far too tired to think.

    Tried to nap.  Both on the sofa & my bed.  Fur kids thought I was crazy.  No sleep.  I have my pill from the pharmacy that helps me sleep.  Will try it  tonight.

    I got a text about an app I have with more options of filters.  So I played with it.  First I have done that since I got sick.  Just trying to blog is tiring.  I have a friend in Sweden who had Covid that is still not well.  No energy, cannot drive his car, etc.  But he lives with his parents.  Hard for me when no one is here.  What I would not give for fried chicken or pizza or BBQ.  I have a frozen pizza in my freezer.  Should fix part of it for supper.  Hate to ask someone to bring me food.  I have food but want something different.

    Today was supposed to be a fun day for me.  Working at the SVFAC, an art gallery.  Then at the Old Mill they have a food truck there & a band playing.  I was hoping I could do both.  But no fun for me today.

    No one have checked on me today.  Only my friend from Morocco.  He is so special.  Wish I could travel & go there.

    A bit windy out today.  Worse tomorrow.  Temp is in the 80s.  Cooler monday & maybe rain.

    Sat out with Nico.  He loves to sunbathe!  Even if I did not feel like it cannot just think of me.

    Photos are some I took, some from the internet, & one is a screen shot from a video.  I edited them all in the app I played with, Afterlight.  And it has a nice border so it is easy to add my signature.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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