Sunday, October 23, 2022

23 october, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Today is a good day!!  I actually feel almost normal.  I slept all night & took a nice nap.  I do not apologize for resting as needed.  I am not as congested.  Just an occasional coughing spell.  Allergies are better.  I am less scared & depressed.  Still hard to be totally alone.

    I was pleasantly surprised that a friend on FB actually reads my blog.  Most do not.  I write my blog for me, not who reads.  She has Covid now also.  Her note made me feel lots better.  Nice to know I am not alone.  And my boss writes to me almost daily since she had it also.  Small gestures that are actually huge.

    Our weather is changing.  It stayed far too warm over night.  It was in the 70s.  Today it got to 85.  Much better tomorrow.  And the wind!!!  Dust was blowing heavily everywhere.  Weeds were bent over.  I love the weather apps that say our wind was 20mph.  Ha.  Not even close.  More like 40-50mph.  Have not heard of any major fires.  That is good.  There is rain around but who knows if we get any.  Like usual, I a sure not.

    I have errands to run tomorrow but they do not involve seeing anyone.  I am getting me a drive through lunch.  I need groceries but have to decide what day.

    Photos are free photos from an app I use.  I did some minor edits.


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