Saturday, April 1, 2023

01 april, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    A really nice weather day.  During the night it got down in the 30s with strong winds again.  But after early morning the wind disappeared.  Finally.  Today it was in the 60s & no wind at all.  Beautiful!!

    I sat outside twice with Nico & Cinder.  They enjoyed playing & laying in the sun.

    I did not sleep well last night.  Too many memories running in my mind.  Got a bit teary at times.  All good memories.  Really have no one to talk to about those things.

    Nico is starting his stupid getting into things.  He is soon going to be in the hall with the baby gate up.  And maybe the bedroom door shut until he settles down.  He refuses to listen or mind.  And I get so stressed.

    I actually had company this afternoon.  Out with Nico & TJ with his dogs drove through the yard.  Then later while outside, KN & CN came over to turn the bulls out to the pasture.  And they stayed to chat a bit.  Very nice.  So rare for me!

    I finally forced myself to shampoo my hair.  I hate to do that.  Just no energy.  Wears me out!  So I am good for a few days.  I now use shampoo/rinse bars.  Too much plastic in our landfills.  The shampoo sudses really good.  And the rinse makes my hair very soft,  Nice.  I have such dry skin so I have bought some bar soap for dry skin.  Helps some.

    Finally Saturday Night Live is back on.  Good. Weekend TV is awful.  Week day nights are awful also,  I need to watch some movie channels.

    I video chatted with JS & SM today.  They sent me a video of the Little Rock tornado.  They & their home is fine & so is all of SM's family.  JS was shopping when it hit.  Two huge trees blew down outside of where he was shopping.  Glad I did not know that.

    Photos are some of the flowers I took & others from my memories today.




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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...