Sunday, April 2, 2023

02 april, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Great weather day! Calm & warm. Sat out with the fur kids a couple of times.  I had to save Cinder before eating out.  The mean orange cat was here.  I made sure she went in the house for safety.

    The bad part of today is how hot my house is.  At least 80F inside.  Not good.  And worse.  My AC does not cool.  Will call them tomorrow.  IT. IS. ALWAYS. SOMETHING.  Sure gets old.  Be tough to sleep tonight.  And none of our window work.  All are stuck.  Willie never fixed them.  😪

    Poor sleep last night so no Jalisco's today.  JR & I went to Salina tonight to eat at Burger Theory in the Holiday Inn.  JR loves burgers & that is all they have.  I got a burger with cheese, BBQ sauce, & topped with a fried egg.  A fave of a friend from Australia.  I love it also.  It was nice there.  Clean & quiet.  Started getting busy when we left.

    JR moved my trash bins nearer the house & one box of trash outside was heavy.  I will carry all the bags outside tomorrow.  They are light.

    This afternoon I saw a large heron (bird) sitting by my pond.  Wish I had had my camera with me.  So far from the house.  Wish one would nest here.

    Tonight when I got home there was a turkey vulture in one of my backyard trees.  The first one here.

    When I almost got home tonight, my neighbour KP was mowing the ditch on the road, so I stopped so we could chat.  He is one of the nicest guys I know.  Known him forever.  Used to go out to dance clubs with him & several others.  What fun days.  Oh, to go back for just one more night.

    Photos tonight are from a bus trip to Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, & many national parks.  I should share then more.  Have to do that.  It was the best bus trip I have ever had but it was with one of the worst travel partners ever.  That ended our relationship.  Her loss.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...