Saturday, April 29, 2023

29 april, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I am just sad today.  I knew that I would never be part of my granddaughter's family forever, but I miss them.  And I miss her.  But they have real family & no time for me.  She got nice weather for her wedding.  I will survive.  Wish her happiness & just to have one wedding not a string of them. 

    Sort of a cool night last night but far too warm today.  I saw 82F here today.  Had a light breeze too.  Sat out several times with Nico.  Cinder was asleep.  She is out now & turned down an invitation to come in.

    There is a crack in the cement of my carport.  I have antlions that live there.  They fascinate me.  They burrow backwards into the ground to make a funnel type trap in the dirt.  They lay in wait there for for ants, etc. to fall into it.  And then they are eaten.  Found a few great vidoes.  Glad they are tiny & harmless to pets & people!!  I like to watch & see how many there are.  The most I have seen is 5.  I actually saw one funnel being built today.  Very cool.  They only live for 25 days.  Obviously I need to get a life!!

    Took a nice nap & felt exhausted tonight.  So took another one.  Probably wedding blues.  My Swedish genes will help me survive.

    The farm is sure lonesome here.  Most of the cattle & calves have gone to pasture for the summer.  How I miss them.  Little ones are so fun to watch play.  Hope there is enough grass to eat in our drought.

    Our niece shared a video being on top of the hill in Willie's pasture.  I remember being there but years ago.  When his mind went he quit taking me anywhere for any reason.  But I remember.  Those days are over.  I will never be there again.  So glad I sold the farm to our nephew.  He will make our name one to be proud of.  Great guy!

    I went to Salina for groceries at Dillons.  They are the best.  Worth the drive.  Just hate carrying it all in!!  Soo heavy!!

    Tomorrow is May Day.  As a kid I remember making little baskets of flowers & hanging on our neighbour's door.  I do not every remember getting a May basket as a kid or adult.  I maybe did but have no recollection of it.  A cool thing to do.

    Photos are some I took.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...