Sunday, April 30, 2023

30 april, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


    Nice night last night & cooler today.  Only 66F today & 41F last night.  Slept well.

    Cinder was in part of the night.  Something drove Nico wild during the night.  He barked out the window.  No idea what he hears, or smells, or sees.  He does this once in a while.  But right after Cinder went out he started again.  I got worried.  I went to the porch & called her.  She shot out of under the house, went around the car & came up to the door & inside.  Something was scaring her too.

    I forgot to mention yesterday that I saw a family of parents & 2-3 kids by a corner.  They needed money for food & rent.  Not sure what country they are from but not Hispanic.  Look like from the Mideast maybe.  I gave them some money.  It made me feel good.  I hope it helped.  If it was a scam, that is on them.  I could not ignore.  Hope they have a good life here.

    I stayed home today.  Cancelled supper tonight.  Just not up to it.  I could have gone but I could not have eaten there.  Better to stay home.

    Sat outside with Nico several times.  Very nice.  He enjoyed it out.  More time outside coming this week.

    One of the reasons I hate summer has started.  Moths.  I cannot turn on my porch light.  It gets full of moths.  Then they get in the house.  Kisse goes wild chasing them & things get turned over or knocked down.  I cannot turn on my room lamp because it attracts moths.  No fun!!  They fly near my face & the bed.  So we live in darkness in the evenings.  I leave the living room light on all night.  It helps.

    Might get out of the house briefly tomorrow.  I hope.  Nothing exciting.

    Several places I order from have asked if I want to opt out of Mother's Day emails.  I chose to.  I am no longer a mother.  Sad but true.  It upsets me.  It is their loss.

    Photos today are a mix.  Today or tomorrow is Halfoween.  New to me.  But I have a graphic!  Must be prepared!  April ends today.  Winter is closer!!


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...