Thursday, September 7, 2023

07 september, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Feel the Love Day

Todays Name Day is Arnold

    I am lazy today.  No true blog just photos with a comment or two.

My favorite FB group is called Images.  They do many frog pictures & many others.  So cool.

An old old hotel in my town that my town let get run down.  And was torn down.  Very sad.  Second great building they did it to.

 An artist I was friends with.  He was awesome & from Lucas KS.  I miss him so much.  Wish I owned a piece of his art.  Never could afford one.  Such talent.

Pumpkins.  Ready for artumn & no more dome of heat.

I love teddy bears.  My best friend's nickname is Oso (Bear)

Best buddies who love to snuggle & play.  Cinder my cat that was dumped somewhere out here & somehow found my house.  Now she is a part time house cat.  Nico my Chihuahua Yorkie mix dog.  He is getting older & starting to have problems doing things he has always done.  Makes me so sad.

Baby Kisse.  She used to lay on my laptop.  Sweet baby who lived under my house & the only one to survive her family there.  Feral cats have a hard life.  Glad I made her a house cat.

Mexican cookies I once could buy in Salina KS.  Hope I can find them in Wichita KS.  Too good for words!

A new me from a new app!!!

Always a winter photo.  I love winter & snow & despise summer with heat, humidity, & bugs.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...