Friday, September 8, 2023

08 september, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

Todays Name Day is Alma

    Today was a quiet day that did not go as I planned.  Not a bad day but missing something.

    Slept well with some help of Cinder.  Nico is still a worry.  Must see the vet next week.  He is not normal.

    Had a class reunion committee meeting this noon.  I like meeting with those classmates.  We should do it year round.  Do us all good.  I ate too much for lunch there.  Should have just had half.  Stupid stomach.

    I had a gathering at the Old Mill this evening but I cancelled.  Was not up to it.  Upsets me.  I was looking forward to it.  But dealing with it ok.  Have another fun invitation next week I better be ok for!!

    Was cool last night.  I saw 65F.  Today I saw mostly 80s but late afternoon I saw 91F.  Sunday much cooler with rain.  Oh, I hope so.

    Photos are just a mix of things I like.  None are mine.


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