Thursday, February 29, 2024

02/2024 Torsdag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Leap Day

Today's Name Day:  No name today

    A super windy day today.  Awful.  Things blowing all over the place.

    We are in a fire danger zone & this afternoon a fire broke out north of my farm.  Thank goodness it was moving to the north.  Or away from my farm.  There was an area that was evacuated for a time.  I guess it is under control now & all are home.  But the fire area is being watched.  Could start again at anytime.  Very scary.

    Cattle are here now.  They seem restless.  Maybe need food.  Our drought is getting worse again.  Just cannot get rain here.  Irritates me to no end when people complain about it raining.  Stupid people.  If your business depended on rain to survive you would whine longer & louder than farmers do.

    I did not plan on taking a nap today but Cinder was here & wanted to.  And I love her snuggles so I napped while she laid on me.  Relaxes me.

    Interesting news just now.  People born here are more apt to be in trouble with the law than those coming in from Mexico & other places, whether legally or not.  And the more who come here lower the crime rate here.  I have many Hispanic friends who do not take jobs from white people or get in trouble,  And they treat me better than many born here or who are my family.  Again.  Stupid people who are bigoted.

    There is some rain here in the state but won't amount to anything & I doubt it is where I live.  Tons of moisture to the far west & to the far east.  And here we sit with nothing.

    Very worried about my two friends who are sick.  I do not go to church or believe what they preach but I even said a prayer for them last night.  Wish I could truly help.  I said several other prayers or requests that are not religious.

    I saw a small news blip that there is maybe another covid shot they are thinking we should have.  I just got one.  Sheesh!!  Not a big article.  See what else is said.  Maybe it was nothing.  I hope.

    Little communication with anyone.  I wonder if I have upset one in particular.  Who knows?  I am always wrong.

    I have a special dish to make pasta in my microwave.  Works like a charm.  Took 12 minutes.  I love pasta & it was so good.  I saw something on the China menu with pasta & shrimp.  Have to check that out.

    Photos today are ones I have edited but one I drew & one I photographed..


I took this one several years ago.

I drew this one & added it on a soft background.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

02/2024 Onsdag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Floral Design Day

Today's Name Day:  Maja, Maria

    Today was an odd Wednesday off!  The staff all went to Manhattan for a meeting.  So I worked yesterday.  Good to know I can switch days.  There is another worker who does that same work as me but I do not know his day.  He goes to college so might be saturday.  Need to find out.

    I slept like a baby last night.  Cinder was snuggled on or near me all night.  Perfect.  It got very cold so I had the heat on & I was perfectly comfy.  Cinder was almost under the blankets also at one point.

    Today got in the 40s.  Normal but it won't last.  The awful 80s will return to the delight of those who love hot humid days.  And bugs.  Wish I could move away from here.

    I really do not feel like I belong in my own town any more.  I do not fit in anywhere.  I feel good in Jalisco's, SVAFC, & the Old Mill.  I am sort of ok in the White Peacock, even alone.  But no where else.  Lots of groups of like minded people exist but I am not part of any of them nor ever included at any time.  Guess I not supposed to be part of anything.  Just invisible.

    I was outside briefly.  The cattle were back near my yard.  The pond was calm.  I should have sat outside a while.  Maybe tomorrow.

    There is a huge wildfire in Texas & Oklahoma that is the size of Rhode Island.  People have lost homes, belongings plus need hay for their cattle.  One video showed a herd of cattle running from the fire.  Broke my heart.  How awful.  Years ago there was a giant fire near here.  A friend had a pasture of cattle in it.  Willie went to help load them in our cattle trailor.  But there was not time.  They cut the fence & let them run.  Rounded them up the next day.  Very scary.  Long before cellphones.  We wives had no idea what was going on.  Scary memory.

    I texted everyone today.  Tired of waiting for them.  Eventually I heard from most of them.  I even had a video chat with JS.  I miss him so much.  Miss talking to him.  Decided I am going to text whether he can answer or not.  Good for both of us.  Wish he was closer so I could see him sometimes.  Just do not want to drive that far alone.  I am always alone.

    I was hoping to visit someone tomorrow but I probably won't.  Probably not this week at all,

    Too much sickness around here.  One person I know is sick & needs to see the doctor but they don't have time.  Sad.  Maybe it is good I stay home a lot.  Maybe should put a mask on again.

    Cinder was out of her favorite food & it came today.  Snarfed it down.  Kisse does not like it.  She is much harder to please.

    Cinder is on my lap now.  How to write my blog???  I slid her just off of me.  She is mulling that over with a scowl

    Photos are a mix of nothing special.


Yes, this is a real photo of Nico.  Has his bed fixed to his liking!!!!


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

02/2024 Tisdag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Kahlúa Day

Today's Name Day: Lage

    Had a pretty good day!  Slept well thanks to taking a pill.  Nice for a change.  Cinder stayed with me part of the night.  And Kisse was near also.

    It got pretty chilly last night, but not too bad.  When I went to work this afternoon it was around 71F.  By the time work was almost over, it was 42F with super strong winds.  After supper it was 29F with snow.  And even stronger winds.

    The weather tonight is not winter.  It is a fake winter.  I am not excited.  It won't last.  Heat will return soon.

    Because the staff of the Old Mill are at a meeting tomorrow I worked today.  I will be lost tomorrow!!  I finally got done with the Swedish Pavilion on the college campus book.  Starting on the Swedish Pavilion book with photos of it at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, IL.  Photos are much more interesting.  I included one tonight.

    It was so great to see everyone.  We celebrated my return with drinks front the White Peacock.  Perfect.  I had peach flavored green tea with ice.  Execellent.

    I have 2 close friends who have health issues.  Worried & wish I could help.  Makes me feel helpless.

    Cinder has been busy begging to go out. So I let her out.  She took 4 steps, stopped, & came back in.  It has not warmed up.  Nor will it.

    After work JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  Missed my friends there & the food,  Had sopaipillas for dessert. Too good for words.

    Then we picked up some groceries before going home.  I was totally out of cookies!!!  No bueno!

    Got home & Cinder was dying to go outside.  I was sorting things out of my purse so I just stood by the front door & left it open..  She was right back,  I some how knew she would!!  😸

    Photos are a mix.  I took several.


A photo or drawing of the St. Louis World's Fair.  You can see our Pavilion towards the upper right corner, a small yellow building.

At our grocery store.

Monday, February 26, 2024

02/2024 Måndag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Letter to an Elder Day

Everyone knows that writing is a powerful way to stay connected. If you've ever received an unexpected letter, you know what a pick-me-up it can be. Letter to an Elder Day takes that unexpected gift one step further and delivers that love to the elders in our life or those who may be isolated from others. Even a text would be nice.  Just to know you are not forgotten.

  Today's Name Day: Torgny, Torkel

    Another quiet day.  I was unable to sleep last night.  No idea why.  Need to start taking my anxiety pill nightly.  But Cinder & Kisse were faithful.  I napped after a quick lunch & both cats stayed nearby.

    Got far too hot today.  Almost 80F.  I have officially decided winter ended the first day it started.  We had one brief winter spell but I am sure there will be no more.  I need to just forget about winter & settle for a long sizzling spell now.  My hope is the drought ends so maybe there will be some flowers to photograph.

    My AC is acting weird,  Not quite cold enough but the the living room is good now.  Still too warm in the back of the house.  That is rather normal,  I might have to call to have it looked at.  But a bit cooler weather is coming soon.  Maybe I can wait a bit.

    Cinder does not like my cellphone in bed.  But if I use ear buds or no sound, she tolerates it.  She was pretty good last night.

    This week is all jumbled.  No problems.  And I hope to visit a friend at the end of the week.  See how he feels & what is going on in his life.

    Could see all the cattle near my yard this afternoon.  Nice to see them.  Been a while.  The pond looked quiet today.

    I have been sneezing off & on.  Something is growing here that is bothering me.  It is not a cold but allergies.  Not too bad.  Before our house burned down I had allergies really bad.  Then moving away from here stopped them.  They have never gotten bad again.  I hope.

    Last night I had a meltdown over Nico.  Maybe just because I was feeling extra alone or something.  I missed him so much it actually hurt.  Losing Nico has broken my heart.  Feel there is no one to turn to that cares.  Or can help.

    Photos are a mix. Nothing special.


Nico begging Willie for part of his lunch, usually his cookie!!  Sure miss them both. 💔💔

Family castle in Sweden.  I have visited there twice.  Magical place.  Wish I could go back.  If I just had anyone who would travel with me.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

02/2024 Sõndag the 25th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Chocolate-Covered Nut Day

Today's Name Day: Sigvard, Sigvert

    Another day of nothing.  Slept welll last night thanks to Cinder.  She stayed close most of the night.  Then went out when I got up.

    Far, far too hot for now.  Almost 80F.  Saving lots of propane though.  One cold day midweek with snow.  Then near 80 again.  Hating this.  I have officially given up on winter.  I guess better that everyone else is happy.  Guess I don't matter.

    Got a camera for the front porch but having trouble setting it up.  Nothing goes easy anymore.  Sigh......

    Laid down to take a nap & must have laid wrong.  Woke up with a bad headache.  Blah.  Cancelled supper.  Try again tomorrow.

    No texts or emails.  Feeling more invisible than usual.  Why try???

    Nothing more to say.  Sorry for a boring post.  Photos are a mix with some explanations.


My bestie for years with his two dogs who also loved me.  He died a few years ago.  Always miss him.

Red Barn Studio where I worked for 5 years or so.  Very cool place.

White Cross Hill.  I can see it from my yard.  Has a white cross painted on the side of it.  It was a missile site in the cold war.  The troops lived here.  Then it became a nursing home I worked in for a few years.

Never been there but being alone & forgotten there has got to be better than here.  Would not take much to be better.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

02/2024 Lõrdag the 24th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Everyday is a good day for Fika.

Today's Name Day: Mats, Mattias

    I had plans.  Nothing big, but Cinder ruined them all!  😍 She was missing all morning somewhere inside napping.  After lunch she came to lay on my chest to nap.  I love being close to her so I slept also.  So cozy having her snuggle close to me.  Soooo, no work today.  She makes me feel good.
    I slept ok last night.  No pain for 2 nights.  Except last night I needed to turn my mattress topper over.  What an error on my part.  It turned ok but its covering was all folded & out of shape.  I decided to leave it off.  Trying to put the fitted sheet back on was a joke.  I got the top end on ok but the lower end was a terror.  So I folded my weighted blanket & covered the lower part of the mattress cover then organised it & the blanket kept it in place.  And I slept so much better with a smooth sleeping area.  No wonder my back & hip hurt.  It was lumpy before.  I did see one I might order to replace it with.  And not expensive.  See how this works first.
    Too warm again today.  Almost 70F.  And will only get worse.  Sigh.............
    Next to no texts today.  My one sweet older distant cousin always sends nice sweet texts.  Wish I could meet him.  We do love each other.  So many from that side of my father's family have passed away.  They were all sweet.  And interested in family history.  Never connected with any of the younger ones.
    I think I saw my nephew drive through my yard 3 times.  Nico would have barked to alert me.  He needs to get a loud horn so I know!!! Haha!
    I am watching Oppenheimer.  It is 3 hours long.  Just time to see it before the news & SNL.  It is interesting.
    Photos are from my FB memories.  The city street with clouds is my town's main street looking south..  The building with the sign Wayne's is a postcard of a grocery market from when I was around junior high.  You could call. your order in & pick it up or they would deliver.  The meat man was cool & the meat excellent.  Good memories.


Friday, February 23, 2024

02/2024 Fredag the 23rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Banana Bread Day

Today's Name Day: Torsten, Torun

    Had a good day today.  And look 100% better!!  I slept after 2am.  Cinder was cuddling often.'

    I got up earlier than usual.  Had my hair cut/colored today.  Cinder was missing when I leflt.  I had the TV on, fixing food & feeding Kisse.  No Cinder.  She was sleeping somewhere.  Home all day but met at the door when I got home!

    I had not had my hair cut in far too long.  Same with colouring.  I could actually see my roots!!  No bueno!!  And so good to see Henry.  He gave me a list of movies to look for.  One is Saltburn.  Not online now.  Then Zone of Interest.  Has got to be a horrific movie.  It is online now.  Look it up.  Will report when I see it.  And Feud, Capote vs The Swans.  It is not online now either.  Dang.  One is better than none.

    After I was looking gorgeous I went to Lindsborg to wash my car & pick up meds.  Then JR & I ate at the Crown & Rye.  It was so good but too much for me.  Still a touchy tummy.

    I was tired when I got home & took a very short nap.  Then supper & spanish.  So running late now.

    Photos are all of abandoned areas/buildings in black & white.  I love photos like that.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...