Thursday, February 29, 2024

02/2024 Torsdag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Leap Day

Today's Name Day:  No name today

    A super windy day today.  Awful.  Things blowing all over the place.

    We are in a fire danger zone & this afternoon a fire broke out north of my farm.  Thank goodness it was moving to the north.  Or away from my farm.  There was an area that was evacuated for a time.  I guess it is under control now & all are home.  But the fire area is being watched.  Could start again at anytime.  Very scary.

    Cattle are here now.  They seem restless.  Maybe need food.  Our drought is getting worse again.  Just cannot get rain here.  Irritates me to no end when people complain about it raining.  Stupid people.  If your business depended on rain to survive you would whine longer & louder than farmers do.

    I did not plan on taking a nap today but Cinder was here & wanted to.  And I love her snuggles so I napped while she laid on me.  Relaxes me.

    Interesting news just now.  People born here are more apt to be in trouble with the law than those coming in from Mexico & other places, whether legally or not.  And the more who come here lower the crime rate here.  I have many Hispanic friends who do not take jobs from white people or get in trouble,  And they treat me better than many born here or who are my family.  Again.  Stupid people who are bigoted.

    There is some rain here in the state but won't amount to anything & I doubt it is where I live.  Tons of moisture to the far west & to the far east.  And here we sit with nothing.

    Very worried about my two friends who are sick.  I do not go to church or believe what they preach but I even said a prayer for them last night.  Wish I could truly help.  I said several other prayers or requests that are not religious.

    I saw a small news blip that there is maybe another covid shot they are thinking we should have.  I just got one.  Sheesh!!  Not a big article.  See what else is said.  Maybe it was nothing.  I hope.

    Little communication with anyone.  I wonder if I have upset one in particular.  Who knows?  I am always wrong.

    I have a special dish to make pasta in my microwave.  Works like a charm.  Took 12 minutes.  I love pasta & it was so good.  I saw something on the China menu with pasta & shrimp.  Have to check that out.

    Photos today are ones I have edited but one I drew & one I photographed..


I took this one several years ago.

I drew this one & added it on a soft background.

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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...