Sunday, March 17, 2024

03/2024 Söndag the 17th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Saint Patrick's Day

Today's Name Day: Gertrud

    Another quiet day.  Again.  There was to be maybe a meal out but it never happened.  I could have eaten supper out but I was too tired.  Cinder & I were snuggled on the sofa.  It was comfy.  Nothing seems normal anymore.  Need life to be as it should be again.  Maybe things will improve this week.  I have already cancelled one appointment.  The rest are ok.  This week was just too busy.  Too busy.

    Cinder never went out until supper time.  She was hiding most of the day.  But during my nap she came to snuggle.  That always helps.  Me at least.

    I went outside around supper time.  Cinder was already outside & running and playing.  I stayed outside with her,  She was racing, climbing a tree, playing, jumping,  I noticed a huge amount of henbit blooming in my yard,  So I took some photos of them & Cinder.  We missed having Nico out playing with us.  Makes me very sad & hurts like hell.

    Had some nice photos from CF & his fiance.  Looks like they had a great weekend ---- celebrated a birthday, played in a lake, ate good.

    It was a bit cooler today.  My bed was cozy all night,  Helps me sleep better.

    Watching a movie that I find very good.  A Haunting in Venice.  Love these kind of shows.  Really enjoying it.  Stars Kenneth Branagh as Poirot.  Made in 2023.  A little scary but not bad.

    Photos are some winter photos for the winter I never got or will get this year.  Everything is all springy now.  And I made one collage of being outside with Cinder.  



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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