Monday, March 18, 2024

03/2024 Måndag the 18th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Sloppy Joe Day

Today's Name Day: Edmund, Edvard

    Had a pretty good day.  Not much sleep last night but I survived.  

    I had to gather all the trash bags in the house & toss them out the front door.  I never got rid of any 2 weeks ago so I had many extra.  And lots of boxes.

    I picked up JR to come help me.  Hard to walk this last week.  Very frustrating.  All got picked up for trash guys in the morning,

    We stopped on Coronado Heights,  A memorial was reported on the steps going to the top of the castle.  Cannot reach it.  Waaaay tooooo high up.  I contacted our board president.  Sent photos.  The castle was quite clean aside from graffiti on the walls & tables.  And the road was perfect.  Very nice.

    Stopped at Willie's grave to make sure one of our kids had not trashed it again.  Lordy, I love families!  But it was ok.  I added some flowers & some to my friend John's grave too.  He needs all new ones.  Bad looking flowers,  Will go back to replace.  No one else puts flowers on his grave.  Be sad when I am gone.  There will be no one to care.

    Supper was at Jalisco's.  Good to see every one.  And there is a birthday coming up soon.  I am even invited.  A nice surprise.

    Some local gossip.  A gym is opening in a large building on Main Street.  No interest to me.  And I heard a new building is being built for another ice cream place.  That sounds fun.  Time will tell how accurate the gossip is.

    Cinder went out before JR was here..  We saw her once but she left us alone.  When I got home after supper she was on the porch ready to come in.  She ate & went to sleep somewhere.  Kisse is curled up next to me.  I need a blanket.  I am chilly.  Even socks are not helping!

    Watching a cool tv show on trying to bring back to life the whooly mammoth.  They are now headed to the northern Siberia to search for bones. They are in the coldest town in the world,  But as it is summer it looks very nice.  Interesting,

    Photos are from Sweden.  They sure make me wish I could return there.  Sad for me.  Won't ever happen.


This is Marstrand Sweden, an island.  I can see where I ate breakfast every morning, the street to my room, the ferry, places I shopped.  Love it there.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...