Tuesday, March 19, 2024

03/2024 Tisdag the19th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Spring Begins March 19, at 10:06 P.M. CDT

Today's Name Day: Josef, Josefina

    Great day.  Cinder barely left my side all night.  Very nice.  She went out when it was lunch time but came in after I got home from town.  She is sleeping inside on top of the washing machine.

    MM called me this morning & asked me to go to lunch.  He has a job later so he had some time to kill.  We met at Jalisco's.  And they were packed!! If I had been 10 minutes later I would have had no where to sit.

    The one worker's birthday is today.  His brother tried to tell me he is 43 but in reality he is 23.  He came by my booth one time sort of skipping & laughing so I asked if he is just thrilled about his birthday!!  He laughed!  Fun meal!

    After eating I went back to the Smoky Hill Cemetery.  I found my solar lights so went to put some on graves.  I put one on Willie's grave & on MM's father's grave.  Then I went to my friend John's grave.  It was a mess.  I removed all the old old flowers.  I had some extras in the trunk of my car.  It looks so much better.  And I added a solar light too.  I am glad I still care for my friend.

    No nap today.  I should have but I had photos to  work on & my blog to write.

    Too warm today.  In the 70s.  I have the AC on but it is not cooling much.  Have a call in to who fixes it for me.  Cool front coming so not too worried.  They will be here on friday.

    Photos today are from the cemetery.


Willie & I

Friend John who was also great artist

Well known tree.  Very familiar.

Distant relative

White graves are my great great grandparents

Interesting tombstone

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...