Thursday, March 7, 2024

03/2024 Torsdag the 7th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Flapjack Day 

Today's Name Day: Torbjörn, Torleif

    Today was a good day.  No sickness for the second day.  Hope this lasts until I see my doctor.  And he & I make some good decisions for me.  Of course by then the supreme court could be banning all surgeries,

    I did take a nap.  I slept last night but not the best relaxing sleep.  Both cats were in most of the day napping too,

    Lunching with LL tomorrow.  Will try the White Peacock.  Small meals there to choose from.  I also have a meeting with RC back at the Mill.  He has a book for me to borrow.  We have tried to get together for a couple of weeks.  Anxious see his book.  Will help identify old houses in town,

    The weather people have just pushed today & tomorrow  as big rain days.  Not here.  So sad.  Nice & cool but stupid heat is returning.  We are doomed from here on out.  Seems like winter just started........

    Time changes this weekend,  No one in this country wants times to change.  Pick a time & leave it.  How many years do we all have to say this,  Polititians are stupid.

    State of the Union is now starting.  Hope the gop show what idiots they are.  More than once.  President's wife looks lovely.  Many women wearing white for reproductive freedom.  Some are in blue for prisoners in Gaza.  I am sure none of the gop women are participating.  They do not care.  And there is much more safety measures for congress.  Scary times in this country,  President now arrives.  Hope he knocks it out of the ball park.  Seeing all the white is so impressive.  And an awful maga hat in the audience.  What an shame on our country,  She is trying to get the President's attention.  He ignores her.  She is not worth attention,

    The President just announced Sweden has been admitted to NATO.  And the Swedish minister is next to Mrs. Biden.  I am so proud & have tears!!!  And proud to be a Swede.

    Speaker Johnson is making faces.  What a clueless ass.

    Photos today are mostly from my farm.


Old old postcard of my church that my great great grandparents were charter members.  A beautiful cathedral.

Collage I created.  Just love the cat legs out of the box!!!  It is Kisse.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...