Thursday, May 30, 2024

05/2024 Torsdag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Creativity Day

Today's Name Day: Vera, Veronika

    Not a bad day.  Just tired.  Wish I could just go to bed & sleep.  HA.

    We had rain here all morning.  💦💧 I was encouraged until I looked in my rain gauge.  Only dribbles.  So sad.  We are always left out.  A friend in far west Kansas got 0.85".  Lucky them.  Too late for our wheat here anyway.

    I had planned to go to Salina to pick up my new glasses & an old pair with new lenses.  I was NOT  in the mood to drive to town.  But I put on my big girl panties & took off.  Good to see again.

    When I left the eye doctor, I saw a former friend.  He was always part of celebrating July 4th.  Clueless if he still is or not. I refuse to ask.  I cannot be included.  A few others do not like me at all, so I sit alone.  I miss being included.  It is what it is.  My exclusion is in part of one relative who took private conversations in my home with only family present.  And spread gossip.  And who knows what they really said.

    Before I headed home I stopped at Hickory Hut BBQ to get some beef & backed beans.  Made the car smell soooo yummy.  It is not cheap but we always had the beef sandwiches for harvest sometimes more than once.  It was popular with our crew.  One of Willie's best friends stopped over & pouted that they never got bbq beef during harvest.  Too bad for him!!! 😝

    Still cloudy & cooler than it has been.  Liking it.  Wish it would last a long time.  And more rain.

    When I left town to come home a semi got in front of me  with lots of metal stuff.  I immediately thought it was going to my neighbour's.  They have a welding business & the stuff looked familiar.  And I was right & followed it to my neighour's factory.

    Cinder was out while I was gone but now in & only wanted food.  Both cats sleeping near me now.  Wish I was sleeping now also!! 💤

    Photos today are mostly of lavender fields.  Of course none taken by me.



Wednesday, May 29, 2024

05/2024 Onsdag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Senior Health & Fitness Day

Today's Name Day: Jeanette, Yvonne

    What a great & busy day I had!!!  MM texted me early this morning & wanted to do lunch at noon.  I said that would work.  We met at Jalisco's.  They were really busy.  Great to be there.  He left earlier than me so I just hung around in the booth there.  The crew working on repairs at the Old Mill were sitting next to me..  I had a great visit with the 2 closest to me.  Fun talk.  One I have known for years, the other is new to me.

    Work was good.  Doing the photos of men with no identities.  It goes fast.  Once in a while one catches my eye for a reason or other.  Happened today.  Very cool.  I saved a copy of it.  But will not say why.  Just in case someone recognizes them.

    After work I made it to the pharmacy to pick up meds.  Then to the car wash.  Car has been filty for a while.  Supposed to rain the next few days but I still needed to clean it.

    Picked up JR & back to Jalisco's.  It was a little equieter.  Found out that MA's brother who I am friends with is a new father. MA showed me photos.  I am so happy for him & his wife,  His parents are staying in the US for a while to help out.  Love those two!!  Baby boy named after his grandfather!!!

    Dessert was a snow cone that is FINALLY  open.  Sooo good!!! Then we went to pick up a few things to eat at the grocery store.

    JR & I have talking about family.  Our great aunt & uncle used to live on a farm.  JR remembered it but no idea where it was.  So we drove out where it was.  All buildings are long gone now.  Sad.  I loved the house & the memories.

    Concerning family, both CF & MM said after JR & I cannot decorate graves they will take over.  I actually feel hopeful.  Some of my family will not be forgotten.  I have  really good grandsons.

    Home now.  I am tired.  Cinder was in for a short time.  Bring her in soon again.

    Mosquitos have invaded this area.  Or so I hear.  They sprayed in town so we saw people sitting outside, etc. tonight. Spraying must have helped.  I have seen none.  Got home & gathered all my stuff to bring in the house.  I saw one tiny mosquito.  Came in & put on bug repellent.  One more reason I hate summer.  Awful.

    I just read where FB is having difficulties.  Great.  NOT.  So far I am ok here so far.

    Photos are a mix of ones I like.


Grandson MM & his dog Gracie.  Love them both.

I only edited this one.  Some of my favorite colors.

I took the flower photo.

I took this one.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

05/2024 Tisdag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Beef Burger Day 

Today's Name Day: Borghild, Ingeborg

    Sort of a busy day. Slept so-so. And took no nap.  This afternoon someone said the mosquitos are horrible outside.  Great.  Where is my bug spray to wear outside?  Damn.  I was out here but saw nothing out of the ordinary.  See if JR can pick me up a bottle tomorrow after I work.  No sitting outside for me now then.
    I had planned to go get my new glasses today but just not in the mood to go anywhere.  Will get my glasses on thursday.  Pick up meds tomorrow before or after work.
    Trash got picked up.  Great.  Had an old box of unused cat litter sitting on the porch.  Some animal got into it & made a mess.  It is off the. porch now & I swept the porch off.
    Not much else today.  I decided to write up my historical group minutes.  I was so nervous writing them.  Terrified I would make a mistake or two & get embarressed in front of the entire board again.  It is now much less fun than it used to be.  If they want to hang me out to dry I will just resign.  Who cares??
    Grandson CF liked my cemetery photos this year.  I pointed out that when JR & I are gone there will be no one for many of our family to decorate graves.  I have cousins that will do their parents but no one else.  Sad.  We had one cousin who did lots of graves.  And a couple who actually added a small headstone on a couple who had none.  My uncle was going to do my mom's twin sister but I knew he never would.  And he never did.  So I did it.  I have a grandfather in McPherson who needs a stone placed on it too.  Sometime this year.  The cousin who did so much passed away recently.  His son decorated his grave but not any of the ones I knew he did.  JR & I did those.  Those were super relatives with lots of great memories.  Made me feel good.  Can just give CF names & then easy to look them up at the cemetery.  Hope he will do them when I am gone.
    Hope my nephew remembers to fix my one dog grave here at home.  The wind tips it over easy.  Maybe MM can help.  Will see.  Maybe he knows where to get some bricks or rocks to weight it down.    
    I ordered some safe to use weed killer.  I will spray on thursday,  Cannot mow too close to my house.
    Photos today are wintry ones just for those who recently jumped on me\y post I do not like summer weather.  Bless them. 🙏 My FB & my blog,  Surely I can write what I want.  Preferably without being yelled at & put down.  If they can have their feelings known, then why cannot I also???


Monday, May 27, 2024

05/2024 Måndag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Memorial Day

Each year in the United States, Americans observe the Federal holiday, Memorial Day, the last Monday in May. It honors and remembers all men and women who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Memorial Day is also a day to remember all loved ones who have passed away.

Today's Name Day: Beda, Blenda

    Not so tired today although I worked a while.  Got up sort of early to organize all my boxes outside between my trash bins.  Then I gathered inside all my trash bags & threw them outside.  But not in the trash bins.  Took a nap first.

    Woke up & put all my trash bags in the trash bins.  I still have one bag in the house.  Finish it soon.  Feels good to be done.  I thought of calling my sweet great nephew to come help but really did not need it.  And I do not want to take advantage of him.

    Yesterday at the town cemetery in a family grouping of ours we put all their flowers in vases.  Otherwise the cemetery picks them all up & throws them in the trash.  Always irritates me.  If I want flowers on family graves why can they just not leave them alone.  If in vases they can stay.  I have more vases ordered & a few more flowers ordered.  I can do those whenever I feel like it.  I wanted to put some flowers on Willie's mother but I am afraid his sister might figure out they are from me & throw them away.  Will wait until the holiday is over.  Most likely she will not go there again.  Need to go check on Willie's grave to make sure our kids have not damaged anything there.  Sad,  isn't it?  It has happened.  Leave us alone.

    All the flags were up yesterday,  I got a few photos of them,  And we saw a cousin & had a nice visit..  And I saw a sweet friend & had a nice chat.

    We went to Happy Swede for supper.  Great food.  I had a hot beef sandwich.  Not many places serve that.  They seem to have it often.  Or the Swedish Meatball dinner.

    On the way home I stopped at Willie's grave.  Our nephew had put on a bunch of wheat & a beer can of his fave beer.  I started crying right away.  And cried off & on all night.  And now again.  I need to go up there more often.  Grandson MM's father is across the road from Willie & a ways to the north is my best friend John.  And across from him are my great grandparents.  And the view is so peaceful & beautiful.  They raised a new very tall flag pole on friday.  MM helped put it up.  Looks great.

    Sort of warm out today.  Chance of rain tomorrow morning.  I have new glasses to go pick up but depends on the weather.  Probably won't amount to much until thursday through saturday.  Hope we get heavy rain and no damaging stuff.

    Have a cousin in Kentucky.  Yesterday he had 3 tornados headed his way!!!  Yikes!!  He is fine.  Just heavy rain.  And, of course, there is no climate change.  

    Photos are from my memories.  They are awesome doors & one car.



Sunday, May 26, 2024

05/2024 Söndag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


World Redhead Day
I love being a red head.  Although I still color my hair but I have no gray hair at all.  Grew up with strawberry blond hair.

Today's Name Day: Vilhelmina, Vilma

    No blog today.  I am too tired.  It is too late.  More work on graves today in one cemetery.  And I saw Willie's grave after my nephew & his family decorated.  I am still crying.  Blog tomorrow.


This group got vases for their so the flowers won't thrown away in a day or so.

A favorite cousin from my childhood on.  Neat lady.

Willie with new wheat shock & beer can.

Small thunderstorm east of Lindsborg.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...