Tuesday, May 28, 2024

05/2024 Tisdag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Beef Burger Day 

Today's Name Day: Borghild, Ingeborg

    Sort of a busy day. Slept so-so. And took no nap.  This afternoon someone said the mosquitos are horrible outside.  Great.  Where is my bug spray to wear outside?  Damn.  I was out here but saw nothing out of the ordinary.  See if JR can pick me up a bottle tomorrow after I work.  No sitting outside for me now then.
    I had planned to go get my new glasses today but just not in the mood to go anywhere.  Will get my glasses on thursday.  Pick up meds tomorrow before or after work.
    Trash got picked up.  Great.  Had an old box of unused cat litter sitting on the porch.  Some animal got into it & made a mess.  It is off the. porch now & I swept the porch off.
    Not much else today.  I decided to write up my historical group minutes.  I was so nervous writing them.  Terrified I would make a mistake or two & get embarressed in front of the entire board again.  It is now much less fun than it used to be.  If they want to hang me out to dry I will just resign.  Who cares??
    Grandson CF liked my cemetery photos this year.  I pointed out that when JR & I are gone there will be no one for many of our family to decorate graves.  I have cousins that will do their parents but no one else.  Sad.  We had one cousin who did lots of graves.  And a couple who actually added a small headstone on a couple who had none.  My uncle was going to do my mom's twin sister but I knew he never would.  And he never did.  So I did it.  I have a grandfather in McPherson who needs a stone placed on it too.  Sometime this year.  The cousin who did so much passed away recently.  His son decorated his grave but not any of the ones I knew he did.  JR & I did those.  Those were super relatives with lots of great memories.  Made me feel good.  Can just give CF names & then easy to look them up at the cemetery.  Hope he will do them when I am gone.
    Hope my nephew remembers to fix my one dog grave here at home.  The wind tips it over easy.  Maybe MM can help.  Will see.  Maybe he knows where to get some bricks or rocks to weight it down.    
    I ordered some safe to use weed killer.  I will spray on thursday,  Cannot mow too close to my house.
    Photos today are wintry ones just for those who recently jumped on me\y post I do not like summer weather.  Bless them. 🙏 My FB & my blog,  Surely I can write what I want.  Preferably without being yelled at & put down.  If they can have their feelings known, then why cannot I also???


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10/2024 Söndag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Noodle Day Today's Name Day:  Jennifer, Jenny      Had a great day!!  Not too stressful or busy.  An easy pace.  I slept fair...