Thursday, May 30, 2024

05/2024 Torsdag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Creativity Day

Today's Name Day: Vera, Veronika

    Not a bad day.  Just tired.  Wish I could just go to bed & sleep.  HA.

    We had rain here all morning.  💦💧 I was encouraged until I looked in my rain gauge.  Only dribbles.  So sad.  We are always left out.  A friend in far west Kansas got 0.85".  Lucky them.  Too late for our wheat here anyway.

    I had planned to go to Salina to pick up my new glasses & an old pair with new lenses.  I was NOT  in the mood to drive to town.  But I put on my big girl panties & took off.  Good to see again.

    When I left the eye doctor, I saw a former friend.  He was always part of celebrating July 4th.  Clueless if he still is or not. I refuse to ask.  I cannot be included.  A few others do not like me at all, so I sit alone.  I miss being included.  It is what it is.  My exclusion is in part of one relative who took private conversations in my home with only family present.  And spread gossip.  And who knows what they really said.

    Before I headed home I stopped at Hickory Hut BBQ to get some beef & backed beans.  Made the car smell soooo yummy.  It is not cheap but we always had the beef sandwiches for harvest sometimes more than once.  It was popular with our crew.  One of Willie's best friends stopped over & pouted that they never got bbq beef during harvest.  Too bad for him!!! 😝

    Still cloudy & cooler than it has been.  Liking it.  Wish it would last a long time.  And more rain.

    When I left town to come home a semi got in front of me  with lots of metal stuff.  I immediately thought it was going to my neighbour's.  They have a welding business & the stuff looked familiar.  And I was right & followed it to my neighour's factory.

    Cinder was out while I was gone but now in & only wanted food.  Both cats sleeping near me now.  Wish I was sleeping now also!! 💤

    Photos today are mostly of lavender fields.  Of course none taken by me.



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10/2024 Söndag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Noodle Day Today's Name Day:  Jennifer, Jenny      Had a great day!!  Not too stressful or busy.  An easy pace.  I slept fair...