Saturday, June 1, 2024

06/2024 Lördag the 01st - Wandering & Capturing Moments


First Day of June

Today's Name Day: Gun, Gunnel

    I wrote no blog last night.  It was too late & I was too tired.

    Yesterday I had a hair appointment.  Just cut, shampoo & style.  Nice to be pampered.  And to have a nice visit.  And knowing I would look good for a weekend of working!! 

    Then I picked up JR for supper.  We ate Mexican again.  They were pretty busy for a while.

    When it was time to go get our sno cone for dessert, it started raining.  Very hard rain!!  No wind or anything.  Made a dash to the car.  Got a little wet.  By the time we got to the sno cone place, it was closed up.  They saw a chance for a night off and took it.  No dessert for us.  I saw one street in town flooded.  By the time I got to the edge of town, the rain had stopped.  But the clouds were still awesome.

    I got home & I even had rain.  Not sure how much.  As I got near my driveway I saw a cat running at a high speed to my farm.  No idea if it was aiming for under my house or my shed.  Probably wants out of the rain or afraid more was coming.  It almost looked like Cinder.

    Today it was a work day.  No more rain.  Worked at the SVAFC.  New art show in place.  This show is art from local people who are not necessarily known as artists.  Really good show.

    I had quite a few guests.  Most maybe say hello & that is it.  But one guy & I talked about taking photos, etc.  He used to develop his own photos.  I talked about taking photos & then changing them in some way.  Really nice to talk to someone who liked our art, enjoying our version of art.

    I was really tired. So when I got home the cats did not hear me.  I went directly to my bed for a nap.  Cinder showed up pretty soon.  She had been in all day.  She curled up on me & we both slept.  Needed some cuddling.  Then up for supper.  Cinder finally went outside.

    Photos are mostly from the rain storm yesterday & one old postcard from town.


Photos taken from inside my car after supper.

Great photo of a refection in the parking lot of a doctor's parking area.

Lindsborg postcard.  Lincoln Street & our welcome arch.

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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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