Tuesday, May 7, 2024

05/2024 Tisdag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Tourism Day

Today's Name Day: Carina, Carita

    Another quiet day.  Nice weather.  Not too cool.  Not too hot.  No winds.  It could stay this way all summer.  Just add rain.  Nothing here until maybe next week.

    The other night I did get half to three fourths of an inch of rain.  Quite nice.  A small town in Oklahoma was totally destroyed by a tornado that night.  How sad.  That nasty storm is still moving east.  Now near Kentucky.  Take care!

    My hip is sort pain free.  More of an ache.  As long as I use my one pain relief cream & my heating pad.  And using my cane makes a difference.  I can walk with good posture. That is doable.

    Cinder was out this morning but back in for nap time.

    Tackled shampooing my hair.  Not sure why I dread it.  It goes very easy.  My styltist does a great hair cut so styling is easy.  It does what I want.

    I have been contacted to work two weekends this month at the SVAFC.  Great.  I love being there.  Easy work.  No lifting or walking.  Just get to meet people & chat.  Nice to meet tourists in town & hear where they are from.

    Photos today are pictures I have edited.  Mostly flowers,


Photo made from different words meaning Sunflower.

A pre-Midsummer photo.

Carl Aaron Swensson, founder of our college

My church looking a bit like a hippi.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...