Tuesday, June 4, 2024

06/2024 Tisdag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Hug Your Cat Day

Today's Name Day: Solbritt, Solveig

    I had a nice quiet day.  I had an eye dr. appointment I rescheduled.  Just not in the mood.  And my hip was more painful.  Just wanted to rest.  See if I feel better tomorrow.

    We had some rain this afternoon.  I was napping & heard nothing.  Think Lindsborg got more rain than we did.  Of course.  And then while eating supper I saw the radar that showed a large area of rain north of my farm & another large area of rain south of my farm.  I am sitting here in a big open area.  Normal.  And sad.

    Getting hot tomorrow.  Almost 90F.  Usch.  Then a day of cooler air.  But then warmer & stormy weather

    Not much texting from anyone.  I guess that is ok.  People busy.

    I did find a newspaper photo in my FB memories from 1974!!  Wow!  It is of Willie who hauled in a load of cattle to the sale barn for a friend & neighbour of ours..  And a photo of them both.  Good memory.  The friend's wife is a FB friend!  Lot of people liked it.  Many knew Willie.  Everyone knew him & liked him.  Not like me at all.  I was always on the outside looking & most did not care for me.  Will share with you all.

    Cinder came in for a bit while it was stormy outside.  And Kisse curled up very close to me.  Nice.

    Photos today are from an art site.  I picked some I liked. And the artist's name is next to the photos.  Great site.  And one inspired me to try my own "art".  Such a poor example but fun to try. 😁


This is the photo that inspired me to try some "art".

These are my cats as "art".

An old piece I did as "art".


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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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