Monday, June 3, 2024

06/2024 Måndag the 03rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Chocolate Macaroon Day

Today's Name Day: Gudmar, Ingemar

    I had a day of rest after 2 days of being extra tired.  Cats both napped at the same time I did but who knows where?  Cinder sensed when I woke up & then wanted out after a quick snuggle.

    We had heavy bright lightning last night.  Looked impressive.  But only a very few drops of rain.  As usual.  Lots of rain in places in Kansas but never here.  And those getting rain are complaining that it is almost time to harvest & it will be too muddy to get in the fields.  Ah, the life of a farmer.  Glad I do not farm anymore.  Too stressful!!

    Not too hot today but the say on wednesday we might hit 90F.  Usch.  I dread hot days.  Maybe rain over the weekend.  Somewhere in the state.

    I happened to look out my window in my living room that looks out on my front porch,  There was a bluejay sitting on the railing.  Very cool!!  And lately I seem to see more cardinals wherever I go.  That is special.

    I have 2 questions about the minutes I wrote for my historical group.  I have asked 2 other board members if they remember what was said.  No one can help.  Of course.  Will try one more member.  Then give up.  Hoping I do not get jumped on again for being so wrong about things.  I have made the font small enough it is hard to read.  Hope that pleases the one who jumped me at the last meeting.  I dread every board meeting due to her.

    Photos are old ones from FB memories.  Edited a couple of them.


Many dala horses.  Was a white poster I added a background to.

Dala horse or dalahäst.

Love gnomes.

Had just the flower alone & added a background.

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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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