Thursday, July 4, 2024

07/2024 Torsdag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Independence Day 

Each year on July 4, the United States celebrates Independence Day. This federal holiday commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. 

Today's Name Day: Ulla, Ulrika

    Quiet day at home alone.  Usual normal day for me.  JR & I used to go to 4th celebration when Lindsborg had fireworks.  And I used to make sure Mom & Dad got to see them.  JR & I have also gone to Coronado Heights to watch the fireworks from there.  JR could take good photos there.  I never could.  Willie & I used to be invited to our nephews celebration for many years.  Miss those times.

    Had a bad storm here last night,  Salina had a wind gust of 82mph with sustained winds in the 60s.  I felt one big gust but no others.  Even my trash bins never moved.  Just lucky I guess.  We had rain but not too much,  Our electricity kept flickering so I turned my tv off.  I finally went to bed when I felt safe enough,  My nephew checked on me this morning to make sure all was well here.

    Nice report on the CBS news about how immigrants are welcomed in Topeka KS.  They are given an apartment filled with food & furniture.  Furniture is all donated stuff.  There is a place that is full of everything to buy that they may needed.  And the kids are included.  You have to start with the littlest to the oldest,  They all are made to feel welcome.  Nice to hear something good about Kansas.  More cities should treating others this way.  Besides English the most common languages spoken in the schools are Spanish & Urkraine.  People are here from all over the world.  I love knowing people from other countries.  They enrich my life.  I have many Swedish friends plus I am friends with people who worked in Jalisco's when it first opened.  Might not speak daily but still know each other when we need to.

    Quiet weather today and until the weekend,  And much cooler temps.  Very nice.

    Time for supper. Will have Mexican food.  JR bought me some deviled eggs last night,  They are excellent,  Will get more!!!  Have to get back on my diet shot,  I have gained a few pounds,  No bueno.

    Photos are mostly July 4th ones.  Only took the photos in my collage,


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10/2024 Fredag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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