Wednesday, July 3, 2024

07/2024 Onsdag the 03rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Compliment Your Mirror Day 

Always talk good to yourself!

Today's Name Day: Aurora

    Had a great day!!  Slept so-so  Best I can expect.  Up early to get ready for work.  I am sooo ready!

    When I got to work it was raining lightly..  Within a couple hours it was raining for real.

    I had more photos to finish from List A.  Then I started on List B.  I found another of photo of bestie John but cannot figure out where he was.  Just nice to see him.  He is missed.  There was a wedding photo from 1950.  I did not know them.  My former doctor's nurse from ages ago.  She was sweet.  Fun to see who I find. 

    And great news there at work,  Will not say what yet.  But good news.  We had lots of fun conversations.  I like being there!

    Cinder really wanted to go outside when I went to work but the chance of storms made me tell her no.  But she is out now.  No bad weather here yet.

    Tomorrow is the 4th of July, a yearly holiday here in the US.  Will talk about it tomorrow. We always were included in fireworks with relatives but those days are long gone.  Partly because of Willie & his dementia & because of our daughter who spoke about private conversations & pretty much ruined my being included in anything family.  I don't care anymore.  No fireworks in town & I won't drive at night in heavy traffic,  Sorry.  No place open to eat for supper.  Will wait until friday.

    Supper was Mexican again.  Really good.  They never asked if I wanted beef or chicken,  I forgot to tell them beef.  I got chicken.  It was good so no problem..  Due to the rain we just had dessert in the restaurant.  We were joking with our waiter about the mess a child had made,  And in the process I learned a new phrase.  Cool!

 I knew the first two but not the third one!! I know it now!! Fun!
    JR needed groceries when in the store, he bought me something he was sure I would like.  Cannot wait to try it!!!  Deliciosa!  What a treat!!
    Photos are some I took today & years ago.  All but the 4th photo are taken by me sometime.

Today in my drive way

Today in my drive way

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...