Monday, September 30, 2024

09/2024 Måndag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Hot Mulled Cider Day

Today's Name Day: Helge

    Had an ok day.  I looked at my calendar wrong & thought I had my hair app't but it is tomorrow.  I went to Hutchinson  pick up needles for my insulin.  The needles I had I hated.  The new ones are normal ones & perfect.  Was a nice trip.

    I ate supper to fast & am not feeling the best.  It will pass but I am not going to write much.

    The weather sucked today.  I saw 92 driving today.  Cool front on the way.  Only 70 tomorrow.  Nice.

    Photos are autumn & flowers.


Sunday, September 29, 2024

09/2024 Söndag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Coffee Day

Today's Name Day: Mikael, Mikaela

My grandson, MM is Mikael.  Very cool!!!  I had no idea.  Won't forget again.  Mine is in February.  Better than a birthday as no age is assigned.  And you are entitled to extra coffee & ice cream.

    Had a fun day!!  Worked at the SVAFC this afternoon.  It was the last day of this month's art exhibit.  So there were snacks in the back room.  Cookies, sausage, cheese, crackers, veggies, dip, & Icy water to drink.  Very good.  Even I got to have some.  So today there was many people in the studio!  The friend who does the food had time to chat with me.  Very nice.  Need to see her more often.
    A distance relative is writing me tonight.  He is so sweet.  And if I do not hear from him for a few days I really worry.  He tells me very often that he loves me & I love him.  Nice to hear that someone loves me.  He is special.
    I had a video chat with JS last night.  Very nice.  It had been a while & I was worried.  He was cooking.  Made a flan with a banana in it.  I swear I could smell it.  Wish I could have tasted it.
    Supper tonight was at Pizza Hut.  I just had some garlic bread.  Too many snacks earlier!!  Our waitress has the same name as my great niece  & she told me they are in school together!!
    Had to buy some groceries.  Cinder is out of ham slices!!!  Cannot have that!
    Weather is just the same old, same old.  No change is coming anytime soon.  Need rain sooo bad.
    Photos are some from this afternoon & 2 I edited.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

09/2024 Lördag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Good Neighbor Day

I truly have the best neighbours.  My nephew to the west.  All other directions are a family who grew up next door to us.  I know I can call them if I need help.  And around the corner to the west is a dear friend who read in FB where I had car trouble.  He was at  my house in 5 minutes to check it completely over.  One of many things he has done for me since Willie died. 

Today's Name Day: Lennart, Leonard

       Had a quiet day at the SVAFC.  Not one guest came in.  Just MH & I.  I brought my iPad in so I read for a long time.  Then I had trouble with my iPad & tried to fix it.  And Google did not help.  I finally gave up & rebooted it.  Then somehow I fixed it.  Great!!!

    The art show today was nice although people have not come to see it.  It is things made in the classes we give.  I liked it.  Nice art.  Lots of color.  Took photos with my iPad.  Much better.  Will do that again.  And I had no one who came in.  Only MH & me.  And his show is in october.  Can hardly wait to see it!!  And hardly anyone walking around town.  Quiet.

    When it was time to go home, MH asked if I had read an article in the local newpaper about a lady & taking care of graves.  I had not since I do not take it.  He said it would be something I would enjoy so he bought me a paper to read.  Got it home & the lady is my cousin.  She is in charge of both of our cemeteries.  And recently found out the one cemetery has 500 graves not marked ----- many of our earliest settlers.  They got a grant to place markers on these graves.  They did some this week.  Very cool.  Cannot wait tell him tomorrow!!  I think all of our family is marked.  We did have some that were not but that was a few years ago.  A cousin did some & I did one.

    Same weather as yesterday ----- 50s & 80s.  Will continue.  No rain anywhere near us.......for several weeks.

    Cinder went out at noon & is still out She came to see me when I got home but stayed out.  I rested for a short time, but no sleep.  Just needed to rest.

    MM texted me.  Someone was really sweet to him & it touched him.  Nice to hear.  People I know.  We all need moments like that sometimes.  Any other texts were all kind of gross ----- violence, sexual, etc.  No need to respond.  Send something nice.  And maybe like something I post.  Ha!  Like that happens from them.  Got a photo yesterday with 3 of them in it flipping me off.  Nice, huh???

    Photos are autumn, some from this afternoon & some edited.


The Present & the Past.  At my neighbours.  I had to wait & wait for this exact shot I wanted.  Today was the day.

SVAFC & the newspaper office

Santa Claus's mail box.  Fun to watch little kids look in it.



Friday, September 27, 2024

09/2024 Fredag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Scarf Day

I love scarfs but not in summer.  Too warm.  Soon be cool enough. 

Today's Name Day: Dagmar, Rigmor

    Had a good day.  Worked again.  It was my coworker's birthday.  Ohhh to be so young again.

    Got done with all the tiny photos in the Folder "M".  Hate those tiny ones.  My scanning went pretty fast.

    My coworkers were looking for a photo to make it look like a piece of art & asked my advice.  Made me feel good to be asked for advice.

    Lunch did not make me feel good.  Who knows why.  I took a tylenol & that made me feel less than good.  Maybe they are too old.  I want advil but I am not allowed to take them.  I might buy a bottle for emergencies.  Advil is like one of my RA drugs & both hurt my kidneys.  I really need something for pain.  Not every day but on the worst days.

    Great weather.  50s & 80s.  Maybe no rain for the next 3 weeks.  Unheard of.  Sad.

    Supper was Mexican.  But I had a burger & fries.  No dessert.

    Got home & had a short nap.  I needed it!!  Cinder had been out all day but she came in then. Still in.  She never asked to go out & I never offered.  She did curl up on my chest for a while,  Liked that.

    Photos are a mix of edited ones & autumn ones.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

09/2024 Torsdag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


           National Pancake Day

I love pancakes.  But better than these are Swedish pancakes with lingonberries, butter, & whipped cream.  They are like crepes.  Mums.

Today's Name Day: Einar, Enar

    Had a so-so day.  I ended up cancelling the entire day.  Needed to take it easy & rest.  And I did.  Cinder stayed in with me & napped with me.  She just went out.  Will check on her soon.  Like she knows when I need extra support.  She is 1 in a million.

    Slept good last night.  Cinder was in & out.  Kisse was always nearby.

    Weather was ok.  Low was 51 & the high was 83.  Not a chance of rain for at least a week & a half.  The hurricane moisture gets so close to us but stays too far east.  We loose out again.  As usual.

    Heard only from MM.  No one else.  All our busy.  JR sent me the first preview of SNL of this season.  I can hardly wait!!  It looks great.  Their 50th year.  I have not watched all 50 years.  There were times I just did not care for it.  Now I never miss it.  I watched the reruns all summer.  Better than nothing.

    I found some instant peach tea so decided to try it.  It is yummy.  Glad I found it.  I order peach green tea at the White Peacock,  Usually good but never tastes the same two times in a row.  How hard can it be???

    Had burritos for supper tonight.   Good.  Corn candy for dessert.   😀  Probably have a cookie for bedtime snack.

    Photos tonight are 3 old special memories & 4 edited photos.

Bestie Pete who died several years ago.  His two dogs who loved me as much as he did.  They knew when Aunt Julie was in the house we all got people food!  Always pizza!!!  I miss the 3 of them.

Willie on the day we adopted our baby Kajsa Jo.  He sure loved her & she loved him.  I think she loved me too. She was usually in his truck with him.  Miss them both.  Life is not ending as I wished it would. We have missed out on some good years.

My babies.  I think of Nico every day.  My heart hurts so bad.

Mountain skiing village.  Love to be there.  Heaven.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

09/2024 Onsdag the 25th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Comic Book Day

My favorite cartoon magazine was Katy Keene.  I loved her!  I know I saved all that I bought but apparently there are none left at home.  Mom must have thrown them out.  One thing I learned extra well as a child was that no one ever thought how something they did to me would hurt me or affect me.  I learned that well as an adult also.

Today's Name Day: Tryggve

    Had a great day.  Somehow I never got my alarm set.  Yikes!!!  I could have missed work!  I woke up right on time.  Plenty of time.

    Work went good.  I finished folder "L" & started on folder "M".  I got it all sorted.  I sort by size.  The extra large photos are scanned a different size than the smaller ones are.  Then I do not have to scan each different.  And I get the tiny ones done & in a small envelope & out of my way.  LL had time to talk several times.  I love who I work with.  I don't just feel like a volunteer.  I cannot make decisions but I can voice my opinion.  And they keep me clued in what is going on.  They are the best people.  I am lucky to have them.

    Great weather today.  Such a joy after the worst summer.  I feel like a new woman.  And wearing different clothes!!!

    We have no chance for rain this week or next week.  Very discouraging.  😔

    Supper was Mexican.  Very good.  I have a fave there & they fix it the way I want.  Nice of them.  I am picky!!!  The one waitstaff guy & his wife were both working,  Their little girl was with them.  She is the best & never gets in they way or gets loud.  But today I even got her to smile at me.  Very nice!!

    Dessert was the new ice cream place. Barnyard Creamery.  JR & I both had soft serve ice cream with a hot fudge sauce on it.  Perfect.  I really liked it & enjoyed it.  Good choice.

    I overdid the last 2 days.  I did not want to but I am here alone.  Everyone is busy or cannot drive.  It gets done by me or does not get done.  So I over did.  Sore all last night.  I got some new cream for foot pain.  Even helped my lower leg pains.  I am down to just right hip pain but when I go to bed, I will hurt every where.  Will slather on whatever I think will work.

    Tomorrow I pick up insulin needles.  I might see my great grandboys but see how I feel.

    Today was Daughter's Day.  My kids have divorced me so I did not celebrate.  Did not even upset me.  I am used to it plus it keeps me physically safe.  That is important.

    Cinder slept with me a lot last night.  She had no desire to go out before I went to work.  I got home around 7pm & she stayed out until 10pm.  Maybe she is liking being in more than going out.  Who knows.

    A couple of nights ago I was really upset & I apologise.  Should have been quiet,.  I am ok now.  I made the only decision I could make.  There was no choice no matter how I turned things aroundn in my mind.  Had to put on my big girl pants & deal with it.  And there is only one person who cares.  She was really nice.  And neither of us cried.

    Photos are a mix.  Really really nothing special today,



Carl Larsson painting


Hedge balls



10/2024 Fredag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

               Cinnamon Bun Day - Kanelbullens dag ........ is always celebrated on October 4 in Sweden. Swedes love to have a Fika and it m...