National Comic Book Day
My favorite cartoon magazine was Katy Keene. I loved her! I know I saved all that I bought but apparently there are none left at home. Mom must have thrown them out. One thing I learned extra well as a child was that no one ever thought how something they did to me would hurt me or affect me. I learned that well as an adult also.
Today's Name Day: Tryggve
Had a great day. Somehow I never got my alarm set. Yikes!!! I could have missed work! I woke up right on time. Plenty of time.
Work went good. I finished folder "L" & started on folder "M". I got it all sorted. I sort by size. The extra large photos are scanned a different size than the smaller ones are. Then I do not have to scan each different. And I get the tiny ones done & in a small envelope & out of my way. LL had time to talk several times. I love who I work with. I don't just feel like a volunteer. I cannot make decisions but I can voice my opinion. And they keep me clued in what is going on. They are the best people. I am lucky to have them.
Great weather today. Such a joy after the worst summer. I feel like a new woman. And wearing different clothes!!!
We have no chance for rain this week or next week. Very discouraging. 😔
Supper was Mexican. Very good. I have a fave there & they fix it the way I want. Nice of them. I am picky!!! The one waitstaff guy & his wife were both working, Their little girl was with them. She is the best & never gets in they way or gets loud. But today I even got her to smile at me. Very nice!!
Dessert was the new ice cream place. Barnyard Creamery. JR & I both had soft serve ice cream with a hot fudge sauce on it. Perfect. I really liked it & enjoyed it. Good choice.
I overdid the last 2 days. I did not want to but I am here alone. Everyone is busy or cannot drive. It gets done by me or does not get done. So I over did. Sore all last night. I got some new cream for foot pain. Even helped my lower leg pains. I am down to just right hip pain but when I go to bed, I will hurt every where. Will slather on whatever I think will work.
Tomorrow I pick up insulin needles. I might see my great grandboys but see how I feel.
Today was Daughter's Day. My kids have divorced me so I did not celebrate. Did not even upset me. I am used to it plus it keeps me physically safe. That is important.
Cinder slept with me a lot last night. She had no desire to go out before I went to work. I got home around 7pm & she stayed out until 10pm. Maybe she is liking being in more than going out. Who knows.
A couple of nights ago I was really upset & I apologise. Should have been quiet,. I am ok now. I made the only decision I could make. There was no choice no matter how I turned things aroundn in my mind. Had to put on my big girl pants & deal with it. And there is only one person who cares. She was really nice. And neither of us cried.
Photos are a mix. Really really nothing special today,
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