National Good Neighbor Day
I truly have the best neighbours. My nephew to the west. All other directions are a family who grew up next door to us. I know I can call them if I need help. And around the corner to the west is a dear friend who read in FB where I had car trouble. He was at my house in 5 minutes to check it completely over. One of many things he has done for me since Willie died.
Today's Name Day: Lennart, Leonard
Had a quiet day at the SVAFC. Not one guest came in. Just MH & I. I brought my iPad in so I read for a long time. Then I had trouble with my iPad & tried to fix it. And Google did not help. I finally gave up & rebooted it. Then somehow I fixed it. Great!!!
The art show today was nice although people have not come to see it. It is things made in the classes we give. I liked it. Nice art. Lots of color. Took photos with my iPad. Much better. Will do that again. And I had no one who came in. Only MH & me. And his show is in october. Can hardly wait to see it!! And hardly anyone walking around town. Quiet.
When it was time to go home, MH asked if I had read an article in the local newpaper about a lady & taking care of graves. I had not since I do not take it. He said it would be something I would enjoy so he bought me a paper to read. Got it home & the lady is my cousin. She is in charge of both of our cemeteries. And recently found out the one cemetery has 500 graves not marked ----- many of our earliest settlers. They got a grant to place markers on these graves. They did some this week. Very cool. Cannot wait tell him tomorrow!! I think all of our family is marked. We did have some that were not but that was a few years ago. A cousin did some & I did one.
Same weather as yesterday ----- 50s & 80s. Will continue. No rain anywhere near us.......for several weeks.
Cinder went out at noon & is still out She came to see me when I got home but stayed out. I rested for a short time, but no sleep. Just needed to rest.
MM texted me. Someone was really sweet to him & it touched him. Nice to hear. People I know. We all need moments like that sometimes. Any other texts were all kind of gross ----- violence, sexual, etc. No need to respond. Send something nice. And maybe like something I post. Ha! Like that happens from them. Got a photo yesterday with 3 of them in it flipping me off. Nice, huh???
Photos are autumn, some from this afternoon & some edited.
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