Friday, October 4, 2024

10/2024 Fredag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


           Cinnamon Bun Day - Kanelbullens dag always celebrated on October 4 in Sweden. Swedes love to have a Fika and it must always be served with a cinnamon bun. 

I had an American cinnamon roll but prefer the Swedish one.  Much, much better!

Today's Name Day: Frank, Frans

    What a busy day!!!  Loved it!!  Never saw Cinder this morning.  She was hiding & sleeping.  I was quiet & left.

    Met LL for lunch at the White Peacock.  I had a cinnamon bun & onion chips & green tea with honey.  And great conversation.  I am lucky to have her as a friend!!!

     Work this afternoon.  I got a lot done.  Mill was quiet.  Not many visitors.  Really quiet.  Finished Folder "M" which was kind of short.  Started folder "N" which is really small..  Got almost all the tiny photos done.  Hate those.  

    This weekend is a busy busy time.  College home coming & lots of meetings.  There was a huge college meeting of awards, etc. There was NO parking places all day.  To get a parking place I went around the block 5 times.  Yikes!!

    Supper was  Mexican.  Two of the staff like my purse.  They asked me to order them each one!!!  Fun!!  I tried something new for supper.  I had steak & shrimp on rice.  Very good.

    Then I washed my car.  Long, long overdue.  Looks much better.  We ended the day with soft serve ice cream with hot fudge sauce.  Perfect.

    Lots of semis unloading at the elevator.  Not sure what.  Corn??  But fun to see the elevator all lit up.  I sure miss my days riding with Willie in his semi all over the states here.  He hauled grain & cattle.  Oh, for one more trip with him & the other 2 drivers.

    Got home & Cinder was waiting in the living room.  Both cats have searched for extra attention.  My sweater was one that snags easily.  I finally went to changhe it to save it.  Cinder snagged one loooong thread.  I had to pull it through to the inside.  Looks ok.

    Great weather today but hot again tomorrow.  Up around 95.  Ick.

    Stopped in the SVAFC.  My fave artist is having a showing this month.  I just wanted to say hello & peek at his work.  He talks this sunday.  Plus he has a long article on the front page of the newpaper.  Had to buy one to read.

    Photos are ones I edited today.  When I scan the smaller photos it scans much slower.  Gives me time to play on my phone.


A princess


Wynton Marsalis in concert in Lindsborg years ago.  Awesome show.


Swedish boy with julbock

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10/2024 Fredag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

               Cinnamon Bun Day - Kanelbullens dag ........ is always celebrated on October 4 in Sweden. Swedes love to have a Fika and it m...