Wednesday, October 2, 2024

10/2024 Onsdag the 02nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Random Acts of Poetry Day 

Today's Name Day: Love, Ludvig

    Not the. best day.  Or last night.  It was awful.  I put Cinder out around noon.  Got home from Salina around 6pm.  No Cinder.  That was odd.  I called her off & on all night.  And she never came.  I got really worried & had a major meltdown..  After losing Nico I just am not ready to lose another pet.  I sat outside & cried more than once.  And I kept calling.  And calling.  Finally around midnight Cinder was there but on the ground.  She would not come on the porch.  So I walked down to pick her up.  She did not run & let me pick her up.  And then I hoped I did not fall on the steps.  She in the house ran to sit on a table.  Ignored her food.  She acted scared.  I went to bed & she came to hide under the bed.  Wonder what has her so scared.  And why she could not come when I called her.  She finally came to bed & has not left my side since ----  all night & all day.
    My RA started flaring last night & kept getting worse.  By morning I could barely walk.  I am sure it was at least partly stress induced.  I had a lunch date & work.  I cancelled the entire day & rested.  Sad.  Would have been a fun day.  Better tonight.  Finally.  I fell asleep after lunch & had a so-so nap after being awake all night.
    Weather was ok,  Saw 45 overnight.  But upper 80s today.  And recored breaking temps this weekend..  I hate summer weather.  I hate dry weather.  Are we doing enough or even anything about our screwed up climate?????
    Not had many texts today.  But people did make nice comments on my FB posts about Cinder.  She has not asked to go out & I have not offered.  IF she asked the answer is no.
    I am about out of my V8 energy drinks.  I ordered more BUT I made an error.  Bought Red Bull.  Won't drink it.   They are dangerous.  Mess with your blood pressure & pulse.  I have enough trouble without that.
    The group that I created & run with another guy has 7,000+ members.  We have rules.  I just had someone write me to change our rules to what she wants.  Not how groups work.  Her suggestion would make my group a mess.  I am sorry she is having trouble getting help but not my problem.  If I break a rule for her then I have to for all.  Won't do it.  She can think I am a bitch & treat me like one.  It has happened before.  Won't affect me.  Start your own group.  Don't mess with mine.
    My photos are a mix of autumn, Christmas, Halloween, edited.



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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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