Friday, November 15, 2024

11/2024 Fredag the 15th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Ostkaka Day 2024, November 14, 2024

Ostkaka, also called curd cake, originally comes from Småland. Traditionally Småländsk ostkaka is made with raw milk and cheese rennet, however these days most people simply use cottage cheese instead, which is much faster and gives the same flavor and texture.

Ostkaka is an eggy, crustless cake with cottage cheese, ground almonds, and lemon zest, usually served with whipped cream and lingonberries.

I am a day late but did not want to miss this special day.  I love this dessert.  Never get it often enough.

Today's Name Day: Leopold

    Another not so good day.  Tired of being house bound in pain.  I was better that my left hip & leg had little pain but my right hip & leg had severe pain.  I had trouble turning over in bed or walking.  Better tonight.

    I called the Old Mill Musuem when I woke up this morning told AP I was staying home,  I hate doing that.  Then I have guilt feelings.  They are always nice but my guilt is mine..  And the hate filled treatment I got on my FB group when I made an error there let me know how many people really don't like me.  One guy apologized to me personally.  Not one other person ever said they were sorry.  So, yes I have guilt.  And my town is not the sweet little town it wants you to believe it is.  Sad.  But for the elite people it is nice.  They have lots of friends & activities,

    I rested & had a nice nap.  Cinder has snuggled often,  Over night she never came in to our bedroom,  Odd,  This morning both cats were near or on my bed.  I fluffed the blanket in their chair & now they ignore it,  I plan to take my blanket back so they can just ignore the chair.  It will soon have other blankets.

    I sat outside for a while.  Got a couple of boxes of mail I opened & brought in the house.  It was quite windy outside.  But fresh air was nice.

    Rain starts sunday evening.  Hope I am home & not having to drive in it.  They took the very cold temps out of our weather next week.  No chance of snow, Then a week of dry weather.

    Photos are seasonal.


Old Mill porch last year.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...