Saturday, December 14, 2024

12/2024 Lördag the 14th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

                Today's Name Day:  Sixten, Sten

    Today was a day of rest.  I had no energy.  Cinder took a nice nap with me.  Only one small text from MM.  Plus a couple from JR.  Had an email last night from a friend.
    There were 2 funerals I should went to this weekend.  But since Willie & Mom have died I cannot attend funerals.  I get way too emotional,  No one needs me there like that.  And pretty sure no one misses me.
    TV sucks on the weekends.  Watching old shows I taped.  Soon Saturday Night Live will be on.  Great!!  Something to look forward to.
    Had rain last night.  I slept & missed it.  Got .25". Not enough to get excited over.  Then a bit warmer this afternoon.
    Today in town we celebrated Saint Lucia.  Lots of activities in town during the day & many fun things at the Old Mill tonight.  One time I was lucky enough to attend the entire day & night.  Willie never ever went to anything like that,  But had a friend here from South Africa.  He & I did the entire festival.  A wonderful day with great memories.  Saw all the dancing, singing, ate local foods at the Church & elsewhere.  That evening we attended singing at the Mill & a talk by a tomte with Santa Claus was trying to get in but the doors were locked!!   As a finale we attended the Nutcracker ballet at the College.  Awesome.  He was just the best.  Wish we were still close but life changes.  Seems to never change in my favor though.
    On the news last night they talked about a common depressant medication has been found to be full of dangerous stuff.  Dang.  It is the one I am on.  Will not take it again.  Talk to my doctor soon.  Scary.
    The photos today are Christmas like.  I had made many Christmas ones to use but have not. Just do not care anymore.  Too depressed.
Taken at an art show & carved by a local artist.  Very cool as you never see the baby held by Joseph.




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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...