Sunday, December 15, 2024

12/2024 Söndag the 15th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Gottfrid
What a special name to me!!  A sweet cousin I stayed with in Sweden. Oh, the memories I have of being with him & his family.  Sadly he passed away recently.

    Not a good day in any way.   I got NO sleep last night,  None.  I finally gave up & went to the sofa around 9am.  Had lunch around 1030am then took a nap,
    My nap was awful.  I could not relax..  Could not get comfy.  When I did sleep I ended up having a weird dream.  I dreamt about someone I really do not care for.  I was with a bunch of friends but no idea who they were,  Then this awful person shrunk to the size of a small doll..  I got excited.  Told my friends this person was so small I could easily kick them far away!!!  Friends would not let me.  😒. How dare they ruin my fun!!
    I just had supper.  Something I usually like a lot.  Not today.  I managed to eat most of it & gave up.  Then had a cookie.  Today is just not my day.
    Looks like the festival yesterday in town went well.  Wish I could have been there.  Today there was food at the SVAFC I missed out on,  And never saw all the art they have for sale in there.  My luck.
    Only heard from JR & a cousin,  About normal.
    Photos today are Christmas trains.  Wish we still had trains here.  There is plans to reconnect some routes in southern Kansas.  Maybe I could just go to ride one south & back.
    When I was very little Mom & I took a train from either Salina or Lindsborg to Denver.  The coolest.  We sat with a lady whose house we could see when entering Denver & were on a tall bridge.  Her house was under it.,  Across the aisle were 2 soldiers.  I got to sit with them.  One or both of them were black.  And they shared their fried chicken lunch with me.  A fun trip for me for sure,  I have very few good childhood memories so I treasure this one.

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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...