Today's Name Day: Christel, Kristoffer
Christopher is a special name to me. My grandson's name. I know a Christel also. Nice names.
Had a pretty good day. Slept good but had increased pain. Hurt to walk but I just moved along without saying anything. Love 😔 the changing weather. Will get worse this coming week.
Worked at the Old Mill Museum. It was just LL & I there. Could not help LL. There were dozens of people coming in so she would have to run upstairs to see what they needed. We work in the basement. Then I needed names of people in the photos I am working on who I don't know. I felt guilty asking her for help!! But we managed to work it out.
I am still working on the Chamber of Commerce photos. We devided them in small groups by subject. Ended with one large grouping of just Misc. photos. I got them all divided by size those with names & those with no names. Saving them until next wednesday.
No eating out so got home to deal with a large box of mail. Cat food, crackers, & stuff. Then to carry it all inside. The worst to have to do when hurting.
Supper was my Jalisco burrito. My fave meal!!! Love it!
Bad wind in western Kansas. Dust blowing & no one could see. Had about 100 cars in one wreck, The interstate was closed until sometime today when both lanes were finally opened. There several deaths. We had strong winds but not that severe. My electricty flicker one time. Scared I would be without electricity. High winds will return here with possible cold & snow on wednesday. My one weather app says 1 inch of snow. No biggie but with super winds even an inch of snow can cause problems.
I could see our cattle but none came near. They seemed restless. Maybe the wind bothered them. Our winds today were in the 40s.
I felt so tired after supper that I took a short nap. I have learned to listen to my body. If I am tired, I rest. Cinder came to snuggle. Now she is laying on the sofa arm rest. No one ate much today. They have gotten so picky, They get both wet food & dry food. They always eat the dry food so they are not starving,
Continue to feel depressed. Not sure why. Just feel down. Weather? Focus on the past? Feeling alone? Who knows?
Photos are a combination of easter type photos & gnome photos. I was ill prepared what to post.
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