Living with several chronic diseases and sharing fotos from the internet or taken with my iPhone 15 Pro or Pentax K-7. And writing about life in this day and age.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Ausente esta semana
He estado ausente por un tiempo. Solo ocupado. Nada importante o grave. Supongo que soy simplemente perezoso!
Estaba demasiado ocupado ayer. Se levantó temprano y había dibujado el laboratorio. Estoy muy cansado de agujas y píldoras. Luego fui al Museo Old Mill para entregar algo de dinero.
Elegimos mi hermano y nos fuimos a Salina. Me mostró su nueva cámara. Guau. Sólo puedo soñar. Pero yo no tengo ni idea. Solía tomar fotos impresionantes, así que estoy ansioso por ver otras nuevas. Comimos en el Scheme. Me encanta como se ve. Y tocan la música más impresionante. Ayer fue León Redbone. Por aquí las únicas estaciones de radio son el país o el metal. Y una gran estación de Wichita que toca música mexicana. Pero no hay León Redbone.
Después del almuerzo fui al juzgado para comprobar cómo conseguir un pasaporte. Con la esperanza de viajar. Entonces para conseguir zapatos nuevos para mi hermano. Y yo también. Como si necesitara más zapatos. Mi hijo llama a mi armario un museo de zapatos. Es triste.
Hoy tuve mi grupo de amistad sueco. Luego almuerzo en Jalisco. Me encanta mi comida mexicana. Y mis amigos que trabajan allí. Se ha ido uno y otro amigo tomó su lugar.
Futbol mañana ¡Quiéralo! Los equipos son buenos este año.
Absent this week
I have been absent for a while. Just busy. Nothing important or serious. Guess I am just lazy!
I was too busy yesterday. Up early and had lab drawn. I am really tired of needles and pills. Then I went to the Old Mill Museum to deliver some money.
Picked my brother up and off to Salina we went. He showed me his new camera. Wow. I can only dream. But I am clueless. He used to take awesome photos so I am anxious to see new ones. We ate at The Scheme. I love how it looks. And they play the most awesome music. Yesterday was Leon Redbone. Around here the only radio stations are country or metal. And one great station from Wichita that plays Mexican music. But no Leon Redbone.
After lunch I went to the courthouse to check on getting a passport. Hoping to travel. Then to get new shoes for my brother. And me too. Like I need anymore shoes. My son calls my closet a shoe museum. It is sad.
Today I had my Swedish friendship group. Then lunch at Jalisco's. Love my Mexican food. And my friends who work there. One is gone and another friend took his place.
Soccer tomorrow! Love it! Teams are good this year.
I was too busy yesterday. Up early and had lab drawn. I am really tired of needles and pills. Then I went to the Old Mill Museum to deliver some money.
Picked my brother up and off to Salina we went. He showed me his new camera. Wow. I can only dream. But I am clueless. He used to take awesome photos so I am anxious to see new ones. We ate at The Scheme. I love how it looks. And they play the most awesome music. Yesterday was Leon Redbone. Around here the only radio stations are country or metal. And one great station from Wichita that plays Mexican music. But no Leon Redbone.
After lunch I went to the courthouse to check on getting a passport. Hoping to travel. Then to get new shoes for my brother. And me too. Like I need anymore shoes. My son calls my closet a shoe museum. It is sad.
Today I had my Swedish friendship group. Then lunch at Jalisco's. Love my Mexican food. And my friends who work there. One is gone and another friend took his place.
Soccer tomorrow! Love it! Teams are good this year.
Friday, September 22, 2017
El otoño empezó. De Verdad?
El otoño llegó hoy a las 3:01 pm. Decir ah. Estábamos casi 100F otra vez hoy. Me sentí horrible hoy. Demasiado húmedo. Yo no lo manejaré.
Tenía mi grupo sueco hoy. Uno de nuestros miembros dio una charla que fue muy interesante. Y tuvimos una comida maravillosa para disfrutar. Ve mis fotos.
Almuerzo en Jalisco. Tenía un regalo para uno de mis amigos allí. Incluso me dieron un abrazo como gracias! Almorzamos con mi amigo J. Tuvimos una buena charla. Siempre haga.
Recogió a Nico y se fue a "Summer Camp" en el veterinario. No feliz. Ese chico de mamá. Se negó a caminar hacia atrás. Tenía que ser llevado! ¡Oh, la culpa que él pone en mí! Pero demasiado ocupado para dejarlo en casa.
Me las arreglé para ir de compras en Walgreen's. Tengo algunas cosas necesarias.
Tranquilo esta noche. No Nico corriendo por la casa. Difícil para mí dormir esta noche.
Autumn started. Really?
Autumn arrived today at 3:01pm. Ha. We were almost 100F again today. I felt awful today. Too humid. I did not handle it will.
Had my Swedish group today. One of our members gave a talk that was very interesting. And we had a wonderful food to enjoy. See my photos.
Lunch at Jalisco's. Had a gift for one of my friends there. I even got a hug as thanks!! Lunched with my friend J. We had a good talk. Always do.
Picked up Nico and he went to "Summer Camp" at the vet's. Not happy. Such a mama's boy. He refused to walk back. Had to be carried! Oh, the guilt he lays on me!! But just too busy to leave him at home.
I did manage to shop at Walgreen's. Got some needed things.
Quiet tonight. No Nico racing around the house. Hard for me to sleep tonight.
Had my Swedish group today. One of our members gave a talk that was very interesting. And we had a wonderful food to enjoy. See my photos.
Lunch at Jalisco's. Had a gift for one of my friends there. I even got a hug as thanks!! Lunched with my friend J. We had a good talk. Always do.
Picked up Nico and he went to "Summer Camp" at the vet's. Not happy. Such a mama's boy. He refused to walk back. Had to be carried! Oh, the guilt he lays on me!! But just too busy to leave him at home.
I did manage to shop at Walgreen's. Got some needed things.
Quiet tonight. No Nico racing around the house. Hard for me to sleep tonight.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
¡Que dia!
Tuve una cita con el cabello. Tenía un champú, corte y estilo. ¡¡Me gusta!! Y ver a mi estilista siempre es bueno. Me hace sentir bien y me hace reír. Necesito más de eso en mi vida.
Entonces vi a un psíquico para una lectura médica. Yo estaba muy sorprendido. De ninguna manera podía saber todo lo que me dijo. Y ella me hizo llorar. Bueno, alguien me hizo llorar. Buenas lágrimas. Voy a volver. Pronto.
Después de mi lectura tuve un tratamiento de reiki. Me puse en una estera caliente con cristales en ella, creo. Tuve algunos sentimientos extraños. Me gustó.
Hablaré de mi lectura. Demasiado personal.
En el camino a casa hice una llamada telefónica. No quería hablar conmigo. Él pensó que se había desconectado de mí, pero en realidad sólo respondió y yo podía oír todo. Muy feo. Escuché demasiado, pero nada que yo no supiera. ¿Y ahora que?
Hoy fue un día miserable. Casi 100F afuera. El otoño llega mañana a las 301pm. Tiempo fresco de la esperanza vendrá también.
What a Day!
I had a hair appointment. Had a shampoo, cut, and style. I like it!! And seeing my stylist is always good. He makes me feel good and makes me laugh. I need more of that in my life.
Then I saw a psychic for a medical reading. I was quite amazed. No way she could know all she told me. And she made me cry. Well, someone made me cry. Good tears. I will return. Soon.
After my reading I had a reiki treatment. I laid on a heated mat with crystals in it, I think. I had some odd feelings. I liked it.
I will talk about my reading. Far too personal.
On the way home I made a phone call. He did not want to talk to me. He thought he had disconnected from me but he actually just answered and I could hear it all. Quite ugly. Heard far too much, but nothing i did not already know. So, now what?
Today was a miserable day. Almost 100F outside. Autumn comes tomorrow at 301pm. Hope cool weather will come also.
Then I saw a psychic for a medical reading. I was quite amazed. No way she could know all she told me. And she made me cry. Well, someone made me cry. Good tears. I will return. Soon.
After my reading I had a reiki treatment. I laid on a heated mat with crystals in it, I think. I had some odd feelings. I liked it.
I will talk about my reading. Far too personal.
On the way home I made a phone call. He did not want to talk to me. He thought he had disconnected from me but he actually just answered and I could hear it all. Quite ugly. Heard far too much, but nothing i did not already know. So, now what?
Today was a miserable day. Almost 100F outside. Autumn comes tomorrow at 301pm. Hope cool weather will come also.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Cosas nuevas
El lunes por la tarde empecé una clase sueca. El profesor, G, esperaba 20 personas. Había 33! La habitación no era lo suficientemente grande! Fue una clase divertida. Trabajamos en la pronunciación. Creo que me ayuda saber que sueco. Puedo leer algunos. Si estoy leyendo un periódico puedo entender lo que la mayoría de los artículos son sobre. E incluso leer algunos. Pero la pronunciación es difícil. G tiene una buena manera de explicar y me resulta más fácil que en el pasado.
El lunes por la tarde fui a Abilene a recoger algunos medicamentos. Y hubo un retraso. No hay recargas en mi insulina. ¿Cómo sucede eso? No puedo vivir sin ello. Oficina de doctor mudo. La farmacia finalmente llamó a la oficina. Bueno, alguien dijo que mi nuevo diabético había cancelado mi insulina. No es probable. Qué idiota. Ella miró más lejos y vio que estaba mal. Finalmente conseguí una orden. Es bueno saber que no moriré esta semana. Casi me he llenado de gente tonta. Se multiplican como conejos.
El martes un amigo y yo fuimos a visitar a un amigo enfermo en el hospital. ¡Qué cambio de la semana pasada! Genial para ver! Y recibí la noticia de que habían sacado su tubo de alimentación. Antes de que nos visitó comimos en la Corona sueca recientemente renovado. ¡Es hermoso! Después de la visita tomamos té en el pavo real blanco. ¡Gran lugar!
Hoy fue un buen día. Fuimos con mi hija N a Salina. Comimos en un buffet chino. ¡Increíble! Diversión para estar con ella y visitar. Lamentablemente mis rodillas estaban mal hoy. Ir de compras era miserable. Realmente quería navegar algunos.
Lo hicimos alrededor de la nueva Ulta, vende maquillaje, perfumes, cuidado del cabello. Tengo un regalo para un amigo y maquillaje para mí. ¡Me encanta ese lugar!
Entonces casa a la siesta. Aunque duermo mejor. Tomar melatonina está ayudando. ¿Por qué debo parar?
Muy triste por el gran terremoto en la Ciudad de México. Tengo amigos allí. He oído de su hermano aquí y de ellos también que todos están bien. Qué alivio. De miedo. Tenemos pequeños que podemos sentir aquí a veces. No les gustan.
New Things
On monday evening I started a Swedish class. The teacher, G, expected maybe 20 people. There were 33!!! The room was not large enough! It was a fun class. We worked on pronunciation. I think it helps me that I know some Swedish. I can read some. If perusing a newspaper I can figure out what most of the articles are about. And even read some. But pronunciation is hard. G has a good way of explaining and I find it easier than I have in the past.
Monday afternoon I went to Abilene to pick up some meds. And there was a delay. No refills on my insulin. How does that happen? I cannot live without it. Dumb doctor's office. Pharmacy finally called the office. Well, someone there said my new diabetic doc had cancelled my insulin. Not likely. What an idiot. She looked further and saw that was wrong. I finally got an order. Good to know I won't die this week. I have pretty much had my fill with dumb people. They are multiplying like rabbits.
Tuesday a friend and I went to visit a sick friend in the hospital. What a change from last week!! Great to see!! And I got news tonite they removed her feeding tube. Before we visited we ate at the newly renovated Swedish Crown. It is gorgeous! After the visit we had tea at the White Peacock. Great place!
Today was a good day. Went with my daughter N to Salina. We ate at a Chinese buffet. Awesome! Fun to be with her and visit. Unfortunately my knees were bad today. Shopping was miserable. I really wanted to browse some.
We did make it around the new Ulta, sells makeup, perfumes, hair care. I got a gift for a friend and makeup for me. I love that place!
Then home to nap. Even though I am sleeping better. Taking Melatonin is helping. Why did I edever stop?
Very sad about the huge earthquake in Mexico City. I have friends there. I heard from their brother here and from them also that all are fine. What a relief. Scary. We have little ones we can feel here sometimes. Do not like them.
Monday afternoon I went to Abilene to pick up some meds. And there was a delay. No refills on my insulin. How does that happen? I cannot live without it. Dumb doctor's office. Pharmacy finally called the office. Well, someone there said my new diabetic doc had cancelled my insulin. Not likely. What an idiot. She looked further and saw that was wrong. I finally got an order. Good to know I won't die this week. I have pretty much had my fill with dumb people. They are multiplying like rabbits.
Tuesday a friend and I went to visit a sick friend in the hospital. What a change from last week!! Great to see!! And I got news tonite they removed her feeding tube. Before we visited we ate at the newly renovated Swedish Crown. It is gorgeous! After the visit we had tea at the White Peacock. Great place!
Today was a good day. Went with my daughter N to Salina. We ate at a Chinese buffet. Awesome! Fun to be with her and visit. Unfortunately my knees were bad today. Shopping was miserable. I really wanted to browse some.
We did make it around the new Ulta, sells makeup, perfumes, hair care. I got a gift for a friend and makeup for me. I love that place!
Then home to nap. Even though I am sleeping better. Taking Melatonin is helping. Why did I edever stop?
Very sad about the huge earthquake in Mexico City. I have friends there. I heard from their brother here and from them also that all are fine. What a relief. Scary. We have little ones we can feel here sometimes. Do not like them.
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