Tuesday, October 24, 2017

After a break

I took a break from my blogging. We had a big festival in town and worked in a booth for 2 days. We mostly gave out information about Coronado Heights and I should have not been tired but I was exhausted. I have chronic pain and so I am tired often, just from that. So being up early and out late for concerts and dinner did me in. It was great fun and I saw lots of people I had not seen for a long time.

Our weather is FINALLY turning cooler. I am tired of the hot weather. I have actually gone a day or two with no AC and no heat. Awesome. The nights are really chilly. I put a jacket on the other night when outside. A big cold front is approaching. Maybe even snow flurries on friday. I hope so!!! I love snow!

Notice that the summer birds are leaving but the winter birds are returning. I really must start bird feeding again. 

After our last rain, I had 3 tiny sunflower plants bloom. And there are some yellow small wildflowers I never saw bloom in our drought. Found some 2 days ago. Took some photos.

Not done anything too special since last writing. Mostly just running around.

Did eat one day and had an unpleasant event happen. Someone who was my best friend but stopped being with me even though I called and invited her out often. They had to walk by where we sat. She gave me the nastiest look as she walked by. When they left later, she tried to hide behind her husband. Did not work. She is much larger than he is. Very hurtful and very childish on her part. A simple hello has never killed anyone that I know of. But glad to know. I won’t worry about her anymore. Or her very ill spouse. The rest of her family still talks to me. I am glad. I love them and they are also family. Sad.

 I am still in my Swedish class. And loving every minute of it. Tonight we had so much fun!!! I might even be learning a little!! Or a lot!!!

As I am writing this I am listening to nyckelharpa music. The nyckelharpa is a very old Swedish instrument that is gaining in popularity. Have a friend who plays it expertly. Love the sounds. Reinforcing my Swedishness. Very proud of where I come from. I hope to return to Sweden one more time. Maybe next year. 

I have made a big decision. I am going to purchase a real camera. My brother just got one that is awesome. I am getting the next one down. He can help me learn what to do. He has a lens I can use for macro shots. And a tripod to use. I am so excited. A friend owes me money I will use that money to buy it with. Maybe we can take a day to travel and take some photos. Fun! I will never be a good as him but fun to try.

A good friend went to Mexico to take his mother home. He is supposed to bring me back a wonderful drink from there. He had some I tasted and it is awesome. He returned today. Hopefully when he returns in January I can travel with him. Wow! Me in Mexico!

Will try to blogg more often now. I missed it.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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