Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Day of Needles!

I was up fairly early today and in Salina. Had an appointment at my orthopoligist's office to have an injection in my knee. He has a new office. It is really nice. Think there are 4 doctors, PAs and rehab.

It does not really hurt, just for a few seconds. He numbed my knee first. Then he not only injected cortisone but he withdrew some liquid. Quite a bit actually. No surgery yet. X-rays in 4 months.

What a joy today to actually just walk! Wish they could keep it numbed up all the time. Should be a way. Good for one day.

Then I had a delicious lunch at Sonic. Livin' the dream

Last stop was Lindsborg to change all my medicine over from Abilene to Lindsborg. Getting too hard for me to get there for insulin if the weather is bad and they cannot mail. Hate to change.

Took a long nap. I swear I was awake until almost 5am. No idea why. Taking a pill tonight. Hope it helps.

First photo is me a "few" years ago with waist length blond hair. Did that twice when I was young.


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