Living with several chronic diseases and sharing fotos from the internet or taken with my iPhone 15 Pro or Pentax K-7. And writing about life in this day and age.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Art Show
Today was my last day to work at the Easter art show. My daughter sat with me for a while, then I was alone. I love the art and took more photos today.
After working I took myself out for supper at Jalisco's. Good food. Lots of conversation with the staff. And laughs!
I ended my day with some shopping at Dollar General. I went for 3 things, walked out with 4 sacks!! I needed more than I thought!
The weather was warm to start with but turned cooler in the late afternoon. Nico got to be out for an hour or so. But it is freezing out now and windy. The building where the art show was held had no heat. I thought I might die! Supposedly you lose weight being cold as your body works to get warm. I bet I lost 10# today!
All photos from today.
After working I took myself out for supper at Jalisco's. Good food. Lots of conversation with the staff. And laughs!
I ended my day with some shopping at Dollar General. I went for 3 things, walked out with 4 sacks!! I needed more than I thought!
The weather was warm to start with but turned cooler in the late afternoon. Nico got to be out for an hour or so. But it is freezing out now and windy. The building where the art show was held had no heat. I thought I might die! Supposedly you lose weight being cold as your body works to get warm. I bet I lost 10# today!
All photos from today.
Friday, March 30, 2018
Viernes Santo
Hoy es Viernes Santo. Hubo un servicio religioso y un concierto esta noche. Yo no fui a ninguno de los dos. Nunca más voy a la iglesia. Soy más espiritual que religioso. El concierto fue uno de los que solía ser parte. No más. Me duele mucho intentar estar en él y simplemente no creo que pueda soportar todo lo que se prepara para ello. Algún día espero volver a hacerlo.
Tenía mi grupo sueco de nuevo. Tuve una agradable conversación sobre la Pascua en Suecia. Ojalá estuviera allí.
Almuerzo en Jalisco con mi amigo J. Disfruto nuestros momentos juntos. Y buena comida
La noche pasada no fue buena. Y como un tonto, escribí sobre esto en FaceBook. Recibí cierto apoyo de amigos, pero creo que tal vez un amigo no estaba satisfecho conmigo. Ese amigo es el que nunca me gustaría molestar. Simplemente no dije nada. Hoy borré lo que había publicado. Nunca más publicaré nada personal. Nadie necesita escucharme quejarme. Vive y aprende.
Estoy algo tranquilo esta noche. Nada parece interesarme. Solo un poco bla. Tal vez me sienta más enérgico, al menos eso espero. Trabajando en la exposición de arte en la ciudad. Mi hija se sentará conmigo por una hora más o menos.
Mis articulaciones son mucho más aburridas. No lloriqueando, solo diciendo los hechos. No estoy seguro de si estoy empeorando o es el clima cambiante o simplemente el estrés. Estoy viendo mi acupunturista la próxima semana. Y como que me preparo en mi mente para cuidarme solo si estoy empeorando. Aprendiendo a depender solo de mí. Espero que eso no suceda por mucho tiempo, pero sí lo pienso.
Mi flor favorita ahora está floreciendo. Es una flor silvestre llamada "Carolina Anemone". No tengo idea de cómo comenzaron a florecer en mi entrada. Solían volverse más gruesos y más altos, pero como nuestro clima no tiene mucha humedad, tengo la suerte de tenerlos. No florecen mucho tiempo. Tomo docenas de fotos mientras puedo.
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday. There was a church service and a concert tonight. I did not go to either. I never attend church anymore. I am more spiritual than religious. The concert was one I used to be part of. No more. Hurt to much to try to be in it and just do not think I can stand all the preparing for it. Someday I hope to do it again.
Had my Swedish group again. Had a nice discussion about Easter in Sweden. Wish I was there.
Lunch at Jalisco's with my friend J. I enjoy our times together. And good food.
Last night was not a good one. And like a fool I wrote about it on FaceBook. I did get some support from friends but I think maybe one friend was not pleased with me. That friend is the one I would never want to upset. I just said nothing. Today I deleted what I had posted. Never again will I post anything personal. No one needs to hear me complain. Live and learn.
I am kind of in a quiet mood tonight. Nothing seems to interest me. Just kind of blah. Maybe I will feel more energetic, at least I hope. Working at the art show in town. My daughter will sit with me for an hour or so.
My joints are just much sorer. Not whining, just stating the facts. I am not sure if I am getting worse or it is the changing weather or just stress. I am seeing my acupuncturist next week. And sort of preparing in my mind of how to take care of myself if I am getting worse. Learning to depend on just me. Hope that does not happen for a long time, but I do think of it.
My favorite flower is now blooming. It is a wild flower called "Carolina Anemone". I have no idea how they started blooming in my driveway. They used to grow thicker and taller but with our weather not having much moisture, I am lucky to have any. They do not bloom very long. I take dozens of photos while I can.
Had my Swedish group again. Had a nice discussion about Easter in Sweden. Wish I was there.
Lunch at Jalisco's with my friend J. I enjoy our times together. And good food.
Last night was not a good one. And like a fool I wrote about it on FaceBook. I did get some support from friends but I think maybe one friend was not pleased with me. That friend is the one I would never want to upset. I just said nothing. Today I deleted what I had posted. Never again will I post anything personal. No one needs to hear me complain. Live and learn.
I am kind of in a quiet mood tonight. Nothing seems to interest me. Just kind of blah. Maybe I will feel more energetic, at least I hope. Working at the art show in town. My daughter will sit with me for an hour or so.
My joints are just much sorer. Not whining, just stating the facts. I am not sure if I am getting worse or it is the changing weather or just stress. I am seeing my acupuncturist next week. And sort of preparing in my mind of how to take care of myself if I am getting worse. Learning to depend on just me. Hope that does not happen for a long time, but I do think of it.
My favorite flower is now blooming. It is a wild flower called "Carolina Anemone". I have no idea how they started blooming in my driveway. They used to grow thicker and taller but with our weather not having much moisture, I am lucky to have any. They do not bloom very long. I take dozens of photos while I can.
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