Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Quarantine Day 16

A better day. I got out of the house, but briefly. 

Nice weather today. Got no rain last night. The clouds parted and it all went far north and far south.

I slept better than normal. I was awake often.

I went to Lindsborg. I stopped to see my bestie first. I had some hand sanitizer for him. He showed me what he is working on. Redoing an apartment. Lots of work. Looking good!!

I had meds to pick up at the pharmacy. And I added some other things to get --- thermometer, sanitizer, etc.

Back home to nap. The excitement of the day was almost too much for me! (-;

I am so blessed to have 2 cousins thinking of me and writing to check on me. If we were only closer. Maybe I can visit later.

Photos are from my pear tree. It looks good this year.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Quarantine Day 15

Another quiet day and the usual night with no sleep. But I have now given up trying to sleep. If I sleep, fine. If not, fine. I am always here alone so I can sleep anytime. No one to care what I do or do not do.

There were some strong storms in the west part of the state. Even some rotation in the clouds. But after dark they calmed down. We have a chance of rain but nothing yet.

I had planned to go pick up meds today but I did not. Tomorrow for sure. I am out of needles for my insulin.

Fur kids a little more restless today. Maybe just the weather. I feel the same as usual.

Actually got to video chat for a short time. Much appreciated. Nice to see and hear a friend.

No rain here yet. Not holding my breath. If I cannot sleep would be nice to hear thunder and see lightning. Maybe later in the week. More rain and colder temps.


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Quarantine Day 14

Pictures today are all from Sweden. I did not take them. Top photos are Vanås, a castle that used to be in my family, and the Turning Torso in Malmö. Bottom two are the church in Järvsö, where some ancestors are from. I have been to all these places.

Slept better. That was nice. I picked up my brother and we got food at Jalisco Mexican Restaurant. Great food! Nice to see the manager. We ate at my brother's office. Then I went home to take a nap. So that was my big day out.

Not much to look forward to this week. I see others who have kids, spouse, parents at home to interact with. I like being around people if even just sitting in a restaurant and watching others, hearing them laugh and talk. But it is silent here. Seems like each day gets harder. And longer. Cannot meet anyone for lunch or coffee.  You can only be with who you live with. For me that is no one.

I try not to feel sorry for myself but difficult. Guess I am just a selfish person. And I knew years ago the day would come when there would be a very small family group. Although I did think my kids would be here. Or at least my son. How wrong I was. On occasion I do get a phone call or two from friends.  Once or twice a week, maybe. Too bad my fur kids cannot talk! I know they like me!! Or at least depend on me. 

Kisse never begs for anything except in the evening. Wet food time! She is a good beggar! Nico begs all day for food!! What a pig! He is as bad as I am.

So how long must this go one? It is getting to me. It is not wonderful. It is hard. But I carry on. I am not as wonderful and nice as others but I carry on. I do not want to be a burden to others. I am trying not to be. Not yet. I try not to bother others for anything.

Back to Acorn TV.


Quarantine Day 13

Another quiet day. By the time we are free, I will have forgotten how to dress and do my hair!! Hard to care when no one will see you!

Had my usual night and a nice nap. Then I called a friend. We talked forever. Good to hear his voice. He lives where there are many more virus cases. There are 2 more near me. Scary.

My brother and I reread the stay home/business rules. We can eat in his office. Good.

All the warnings of severe weather last nite there was nothing. Nothing. It did get very foggy all night and this morning. They did not forecast that. Sunday is to be sunny, so they say.

I have enjoyed the cooler weather. Not looking forward for too warm weather.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Quarantine Day 12


Had a banner day today. Visited with the UPS man who is actually a neighbor of mine, talked to my insurance man, and a lady at the courthouse. Then my brother.

It was foggy and cloudy all day. Not real warm. Chance of rain tonight with large hail. Great.

On the news it was announced that Saline County was under a stay at home except for essential business. I wondered why as there was no cases of the virus. But soon after it was announced a worker at the hospital was positive. Oh my, how many people were near that person! Then after that McPherson announced it was on a stay at home except for essential business.  They have a case there. I live in one county and spend most of my time in the other.

As a result my hair salon is closed. My stylist offered to do my hair this saturday but I passed. There might be some sweet elderly lady who needs her hair done. I will survive.

My brother and I ordered from Jalisco's. We no longer can eat in his office. It is closed as not being essential. So there can be no appearance that it is open. We ate in the car. Too cool to eat outside. No problem. Will survive.

To be honest, while I say I will survive, truthfully I am terrified. No wonder I have trouble sleeping. Every night I am awake until 3-4am. Without fail. I hate to take my anxiety pill daily. Not healthy.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Quarantine Day 11

Another very quiet day. No visitors or calls. Unless I can count the UPS man. We said hello to each other.

I heard frogs but these were to the far east of my house in my pond. Maybe they all stagger their singing and resting times.

Big surge in virus cases in my state. Getting scarier. On the news they now think the virus can come back ever year, like the regular flu. Will life ever be normal again? And they are hoping to open the country up in 2 weeks. Doubtful. I will stay home and alive.

I need to go out and take photos or take a drive and take photos. Would be good to get out.

I had soup from Walmart tonight. Not canned. It was chicken and wild rice. It was to die for. Sooo good. Could have used a little more chicken but it was still awesome.

Back to 1900 Toronto, Canada. Love it there. Must better than 2020 here. Murdoch is quite pleasant to look at!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Quarantine Day 10

I got little sleep last night. Finally fell asleep in the morning. Surprisingly I do not feel too bad. Took a short nap in the late afternoon. Woke up like I slept wrong. Wish I could take an Advil but not allowed with all my RA meds.

Today I went to Walmart and picked up my grocery order. I downloaded the app recently. Sooo easy! You pick out what you want. Then you order it and pay online. Pick a pick up time to get it, all in the afternoon. When you get a message from them your order is ready, you let them know you are on the way. When you get there you tell them which parking spot you are in and the color of your car. They told me one product was no available and was replaced. And another was not available. No problem. Got home and both were in my bags!! Great! Will do this from now on rather than be a burden to anyone.

I got home around 330pm. And there in my back yard on top of my light pole was a turkey vulture. I have several that live here and so the first one has arrived. I saw them in town the other day so I have been on the lookout for mine.

When I take a nap, Nico lays by my legs. Kisse always lays near me. But today, no Kisse. I got up and called for  her. I looked all over the house. No Kisse. Dang. I was scared she had slipped out and was gone. Nico went out and I called and called. Went back in and there she was. Must have really been sound asleep. I am so relieved.

Quiet night. Nice to wear "real" clothes ---- even my underwear!! hahaha! Nice just to see people and pretend for a few minutes all is ok. Nice to be outside where it is peaceful.

Quarantine Day 9

Really late blogging today. Updated my laptop and it took forever. Now to find out what no longer works. )-:

After a great day yesterday today was the usual let down.

We had nice weather today. No rain last night or today. And no mud. I sat outside with Nico for a while. Does both of us good. There is a large circle of tall weeds by the house. I got my push mower and did my best. There are a couple of other spots but they will keep until tomorrow.

Took photos of some wild flowers. I never plant anything. I did have some peony bushes but think they may be dead. And my rose bush is dead. I had my house resided and they suffered. I do have a couple of irises growing so I can add to those.

I ordered groceries from Walmart. Will pick up tomorrow afternoon and will write how it went. I am hopeful. I can then get my own groceries and not depend on others. I hate to be a burden to anyone.

TV is just awful. Thank goodness for Acorn TV. My Murdoch Mysteries is too good tonight. I may be up all night if they do not solve the mystery soon!!

There was an earthquake about 50 miles from here. Second one in the last few days. I reported the first one and no one cared. I ignored this one.

Had a dog in my yard a couple of weeks ago. Asked my nephew if it is his. No match. Maybe from another neighbour. Hope he is not a stray. I would gladly adopt him. He never caused any trouble. He just passed through.

I gave a friend a piece of furniture. I no longer had room for it so never opened the box. He has it all put together and is using it. Makes me feel good. He really likes it!

More virus in my state. Too many take it too lightly. How can people be so stupid. Go home and stay home. Please.

Be safe all.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Quarantine Day 8

Very foggy around 3am & through the morning. I like fog. We do not get it very often. Cloudy most of the day. Little sun late afternoon.

My therapist called. She will no longer do face to face therapy. Cannot blame her. I can do online therapy sessions. I will think about it. We had a nice visit.

Picked up Jay. We drove to Hutch to get some meds for me. 

We ate at Gambino's pizza. Yummy. Bacon cheeseburger pizza. They were really busy. We ate at a small park. A cool guy was working out with 2 balls on long ropes, sort of like yoyos. Fun to watch! Dinner with entertainment.

Chance of severe weather tonight. And rain tomorrow. I am home so it does not matter.

Quarantine Day 7

Not too bad a day. I slept better last night. Finally. See what tonight brings.

I bought a few things at Dollar General. Then my brother and I ordered from take out from Jalisco Mexican Restaurant. So good. I sure miss going there often. And I miss my friends there. We ate at my brother's office. Nice to have a quiet lunch and talk and share.

Took a nap with my fur kids. I have given up fighting it.

Video chat with my best friend tonight. He is working again so a bit tired. Good for him! I had been worried about him being out of a job because of everything shut down. 

There was an earthquake this afternoon not far from here. We felt nothing. Fog warning tonight. Rain tomorrow and warm.

Many cows stayed near my house. Pleasant to see. Reminds me of the not so far past. I need look for the woodpecker to see what kind he is. The frogs are back tonight. They will be joy-filled this week.

Photos from my town.     

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quarantine Day 6

Sat outside at 930 am with Nico. Temp in the 30s but lovely outside. I could hear a woodpecker. No idea what kind. Never saw him. Nico was nosing around. We had a visiting dog here in the middle of the night. He maybe smelled him.

Had a quiet day. Had sort of planned to go eat in my car in town, but just no energy. Did sit out a couple more times. Nice to be out in Nature. Peaceful. No crying today.

Not a lot of sleep last night. I finally got up. And I actually had breakfast. Cinnamon swirl bread. To die for!!

Talked briefly to 2 friends. Always nice to hear another human voice. Always. And I spent much time on Twitter. People either accept what you post or ignore. No one has insulted me yet.

Today would have been Mom's 99th birthday. I have thought of her and her two sisters all day. I miss those 3 so much.

More cases of the virus here. All getting too close. Have a grandson and his son where there are 2 cases. I hope they stay safe. I am sure it will only get worse. And there are those who are not staying home. There are no words.

I hope at some point I hope I can acquire some motivation. So far it has eluded me.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Quarantine Day 5

I had planned to go to town today but  it can wait until Monday. I have meds to pick up in Hutchinson also. Just do it all on monday. Be a nice break.

I slept a bit better. Good. Still napped. Part habit, part my health. My Apple Watch shows my pulse. I noticed it was low once today. Will watch. Hope it was just a fluke. Or maybe that is why I am so tired.

Much colder today. Much. But my house was never comfy. Mostly too warm. Will get very cold tonight. The frogs are even quiet tonight. They will sing again next week.

I called a good friend tonight. We talked a long time. Good conversation. I miss seeing her.

Got a call today that my Swedish group is cancelled for the foreseeable future. I will miss it. And the members. I can only  hoped I am missed a bit.

I treated myself to a sweet Scandinavian book! The photos today are from it. Has wonderful art work in it. Special book.

Was a quiet day. I took a few moments to sit outside without any fur kids. Quiet and peaceful. There were cattle in the pasture. Birds were singing. But I was not peaceful. I talked to the spirits and angels. Asked questions that cannot be answered. Rehashed things that cannot be explained. And I cried a bit. But hearing Kisse meowing and watching me out the window. I went back in the house.

Now back to 1900 on Acorn TV. Much preferable than 2020.   

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantine Day 4

Mostly home today but made an escape tonight. It was heaven to be "free"! I went to town to fill the car with fuel. One never knows what the future holds. I went to my brother's office. We ordered in pizza. It was sooo good! I thanked them for staying open!

When I fueled the car, I sprayed the pump thoroughly with sanitizer! I took no chances!!

My best friend got a new car so he stopped by to show it off. Very nice car. Not quite as new as my car but his has some of the bells and whistles like mine. He is loving it! So nice to see him and my brother.

I was very careful and no contact with anyone. Still pretty scared. Kansas has added several more cases. I just heard that Italy has now exceeded China in deaths. So sad.

Quick trip to town tomorrow. I have meds to pick up and think I will get some cash just to have "in case". And take out from Jalisco's.

Our weather got up to 70s today. Too warm. I prefer winter so I am not happy. The house got extra warm. I finally turned on my AC. Whew. Helped. But west of us it is a blizzard. High winds and snow. Tomorrow we are extra cold. Temps falling now. Our weather is such a mess. And no one cares.

My cousin called and we talked for 2 hours. Needed to talk to her. We have always been really honest with each other about our lives. Nice. Wish we could see each other but she lives too far away. Hope we can travel soon.

I am still not doing much on FB. I am so sick of the same old jokes. Think I have seen the same 3-4 over and over. And the same complaints or denials or insults. Tired of it all. My posting was bad too but no more. I focus on sites that are positive with nice messages/photos. Keeps me happier.

No sleep last night. None. I was not restless or stressed. Just awake. I finally fell asleep around 9am and slept until 130pm. Hope tonight is better. But this morning both fur kids were curled up around me. I got some cute photos. Worth it being awake then.

I had a dr. appointment this week that I cancelled. Did not want to be in a several story clinic with sick people. This morning my eye surgeon called to cancel my appointment next week. I had planned to call them today anyway. I need eye surgery but it can wait. No problem.

I wish everyone would stay home. No need to be running around, partying, getting drunk, etc. They simply do not think about how selfish they are. And too many think it is "just the flu". How I wish.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Quarantine Day 3

Day 3 home alone. In a better mood today. I am glad. Last night was not good. Seemed to be awake most of the night. But I have no where to go and nothing important to do. Can sleep anytime.

My favorite restaurant Jalisco Mexican Restaurant has now closed. Only call in orders. I can do that. I worry about my friend who works there. I can help friends if needed. That is what friends are for.

Thirty two years ago tonight our house burned down. Caused by our wood burning stove. Lost a lot. A horrible time. Many of my husband's friends were great help. No way we could ever thank them. Other friends ignored it all. My best friend sent a funny card. Not a funny time. Glad our friendship ended a few ears ago. Things were never ever the same after that night. Was also my mother-in-law's birthday. She was already dead by then. Today she would have been 104 yrs old. Wow.

Nico was busy tonight and I got to eat 3 entire cookies and he never knew. That never happens. I was a glutton and never offered to share!!

I took a few photos of wild flowers in my yard. Did not like the app I used. Change app tomorrow and get more color.

Last night we had drizzle most of the night. And very late we had wind, drizzle, and fog. Storms forecast late tonight. Time will tell.

TV sucks. Shows I do not like or reruns. I am on Acorn TV. It saves my evenings.

I have mostly left FB. Someone got a bit snippy with me on something I posted so will take a break. I read things but no more comment on political things or share them. Others can do that. I occasionally like things some friends post. I never have any thing clever to share or say so no loss. Might change later.

No wise words tonight. Except to those kids on beaches and those who do not stay home are exposing many people to Covid 19. I do what I can. Those kids are just selfish. Sad.

The only wise words I hear are the very loud frogs. Happy for warm temps the coming rain.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Another quiet day at home. How hard will it be in a few weeks? I hope to go to my brother's office some evening and we can order pizza in. Be nice to hear another human voice that is not on my computer in a show.

Things got worse today. Many restaurants are open only to carry out orders. All schools in our  state are now closed including sports, concerts, etc. Colleges are closed also. So far  we are not legally forbidden to leave our homes. I can go for a drive and walk if I stay away from others, for my safety.

I was going to help a friend today, but he got someone else to help. I was both relieved and sad. Would have been fun. He got good help and now has a nice new car!

As much as I hate to, I asked my nephew to get me some things when they buy groceries. Nothing special. Mostly need butter for sandwiches. I ordered some bread today from a place I have ordered from before. Better than no bread. 

My theme for this year was New Traditions. Trying to make sense of life without my husband and our kids. I could have never imagined what I am going through now as the New Traditions I wanted.

No rain today. Maybe thunder tonight. Who knows. Warmer until a cold, dry friday.

I have no sage words for the end of my day. I long for company. If only I was lucky enough to have a support group of family/friends. But it could be worse.

Monday, March 16, 2020



I think it has been misty most of the day. No real rain, just mist and damp. And tonight a few faraway die hard frogs. Fools!

The fur kids woke up around 10am and never quit running until 230. Made me tired. Kisse was just a mess. Into everything. Racing at top speed from one end of the house to the other. Thankfully quiet since then. No clue if it was the weather or they are feeling my fear and stress.

Had a surprise phone call from a good friend with whom we share family. Nice surprise. Had a great visit. Talked about some of his future plans and my farm. Hope I can see him soon.

Had a nice nap. I do not want to but my autoimmune diseases cause me to be extra tired. And my stress does not help. But that is my life. I need more coffee!

I bought an Apple watch not for fun but for my safety. I can set it up so if I fall it will call my emergency contacts. Living alone makes one think about things. But now that I have it, I am having fun with it! Love it!

Day ends much quieter than it started. I find it hard to be here alone all the time. No more trying to find things to do away from here. At least not now. I feel very little confidence of how we are handling this virus. The worst is yet to come. I still know people who are blowing this off. Not me. I remain scared to death.

Busy tomorrow helping a friend. Will get me out of the house. That sounds good.

Photos are my cat Kisse and dog Nico.

Sunday, March 15, 2020


My brother & I did go out to eat today at Jalisco's Mexican Restaurant. Very few people came to eat. We sat way in the back and were not near anyone. How much longer we can get out is unknown in this awful time. 

I try to stay calm but inside I am terrified. I do not remember at any other time in my life of being so scared. I am not a 20 year old & I have health issues. It is scary.

Cloudy all day and cold. Not much wind but what is there is bitter cold. Rain tonight but there was drizzle during the day here.

A friend and I texted this afternoon. She has offered to get me food if needed. So has my best friend. Plus he offered me to stay in his apartment if I get sick. Better than being alone. At least someone would know if I got critically ill.

Last night there was a wedding reception at our neighbors house. There were fireworks. One was extremely loud! My dog jumped and barked. The music was extremely loud. I could feel the beat here --- half a mile away! Hope they had fun!

We used to be invited to weddings, birthdays, parties, etc. My husband was loved by everyone. Me, not so much. But as his dementia got bad, I think he either forgot we were invited or he did not want to go. So the invites stopped. Even from family. There will be no invites for me. I have adjusted. Knowing how many feel, I would stay home anyway.

I heard frogs last night, but quiet today. Smart. I never made it out to photograph the little flowers blooming next to my home. Tomorrow. There will be rain drops on them then.

The day ends. Quiet and peaceful. Even though I have the debate on. Will turn off soon and travel back in time to Canada 1900. Better than here and now. My fur kids are calm and quiet. All is peaceful.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Winter? Spring?

We are in a rainy time. Certainly not a normal winter. We have snow that melts the next day. A few days ago our frogs were sure spring was here. Oh, how loud they sang. Colder today. A few hardy ones are still croaking but they are weak.

Since my husband passed away, life has been a mix of good and bad. I have invested some money. Poor timing. Hope the markets improve soon. I bought a new car. Mine was starting to have a few minor things wrong. Needed to go. Sad to see her go but love my new car. Very fun.

Times not good with the Covid-19. I try to stay home a lot. I do not go to unknown places with unknown people. My brother and I can drive around to take photos and that is pretty safe. I have cancelled any travel ideas I may have had. Cases here are multiplying. And still I know people who make fun.

I splurged and bought an Apple Watch. For safety reasons. I can set it that if I fall, it will alert my nephew. He lives a half mile from me. I feel safe. A fell last week. Came home with 4 bags of grocery and my 2 fur kids were excited. And I tripped. A hard fall but I am ok. Just achy. My CBD cream and oil helps.

Day is ending. Calm and cold out. Dark clouds hang low in the sky. Rain comes tomorrow. Frogs sing faintly, complaining they were tricked in to returning too soon. Cows are resting for now.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...